- reinforcing bar 铁筋
- reinsch test 赖因什试验
- rejection rate 废品率,退件率,不良率
- reladle 浇桶转浇
- relative fugacity 相对挥发力
- relative hardness 相对硬度
- relative stability test 相对稳定性试验
- relaxation test 松弛试验
- release bearing 释放轴承
- release fork 释放叉
- release lever 释放杠杆
- release lever groove 释放杆槽
- released control 释放控制
- relief angle 离隙角
- relief flank 钻身间隙,离隙腹
- relief sprue 缓冲冒口
- relieving attachment 渐离附件,后退附件,铲齿附件
- relieving lathe 铲齿车床
- relieving tool 铲刀
- reline vt.给...换衬里,重新划线于恢复原线
- relosding 再负载
- remaining melt 残留金属液
- remanent magnetism 残留磁气
- remedial operation 校正操作
- remelted pig iron 再生铁
- remelting 重熔
- removable clay matter 可分离沉淀物
- removable tilting forehearth 移动式可倾前炉
- remove and install 折装
- remove and mount 折装
- reniote control 遥控,远隔操纵,遥控装置
- repair enzyme 修补
- repair man 修理工,修缮工
- repair tool 修理工具
- repairable a.可修理的,可赔偿的,可挽回的可修理的
- repeatcd stress 复变应力,反复应力
- repeated admission 重复进汽
- repeated impact test 反复冲击试验
- repeated use of sand 旧砂复用
- repellency n.抵抗性,排斥性斥水性
- repetition n.重复,背诵,循环,复制品,副本重复,
- repetition castings 续制铸件
- repetitive stress 反复应力
- rephosphorization 复磷
- replaceable hydrogen 可置换氢
- replacement unit 换置组件
- replacement vector 置换载体
- replacing pattern in the mold 复置模型试模
- replenishment quartz sand 重整石英砂
- repouring 补浇
- reppe process 雷比法
- reppe synthesis 雷普合成
- repreparation 再处理
- research aeroplane 研究用飞机
- research engineer 研究工程师
- residual cementite 残留雪明碳铁
- residual dust content 残留尘量
- residual pearlite 残留波来铁
- residue after ignition 燃余残留物
- resin binder 树脂粘结剂
- resin bonding plant 树脂裹贴工场
- resin coated sand 树脂裹贴砂
- resin modification 树脂调质
- resin modified core oil 树脂调质砂心油
- resin particle 树脂微粒
- resin sand 树脂砂
- resinography 树脂学
- resinoid bond 树脂结合剂
- resinophore groups 成树脂化基
- resinous substances 树脂状物质
- resistance flash welding 电阻闪挤熔接
- resistance to metal penetration 金属穿透阻力
- resistance welding time 电阻熔接时间
- resisting moment 阻力矩
- respiratory pigment 呼吸色素
- ribosomal ribonucleic acid 核糖体核糖核酸
- rod straightener 杆条矫直机
- rodding 砂心骨
- restoring force 复原力
- restricted internal rotation 被阻内旋转
- restriction enzymes 限制
- restriction map 限制图
- restriction mapping 限制制图
- restriction site 限制位置
- retained austenite 残留沃斯田铁
- retaining ring 扣环
- retardant n.抑止剂阻滞剂
- retarded admission 迟延进气
- retinal pigment 视紫红质
- retort carbon 蒸馏碳