
n. 前进, 进展, 行过的路程
vi. 前进, 进展, 提高, 上涨
vt. 使前进, 促进, 提出, 提高, 使提前, 预付
a. 前面的, 预先的
【经】 增加
be on the advance
in advance
in advance of...
to make an advance to sb
advance n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] forward movement 前进; 推进; 前移
The enemy´s advance was halted. 敌军的推进遭到了遏止., 2 (a) [U] progress 进步; 发展
the continued advance of civilization 文明的不断进步. (b) [C] ~ (in sth) improvement 改进; 进展; 改善
recent advances in medical science 医学上的新进展. 3 [C] ~ (on sth) increase in price or amount 价格或数量的增加
`Any advance on (ie Who will offer more than) 20?´ called the auctioneer. 拍卖人喊道´20英镑, 还有增加的吗?´
Share prices showed significant advances today. 今日股票价格大幅上涨. 4 [C] money paid before it is due, or for work only partially completed; loan 预付; 预支; 借贷
The bank gave/made her an advance of 500. 银行贷给她500英镑.
She asked for an advance on her salary. 她请求预支薪水. 5 advances [pl] ~ (to sb) attempts to establish a friendly or an amorous relationship or a business agreement 亲近; 套交情; 求爱; 拉关系
He made advances to her. 他向她示爱.
She rejected his advances. 她拒绝了他的追求. 6 (idm 习语) in advance (of sth) beforehand; ahead in time 预先; 事先; 事前
The rent must be paid in advance. 租金须预付.
Send your luggage on in advance. 请把行李预先送出.
It´s impossible to know in advance what will happen. 预知未来发生的事是不可能的.
Galileo´s ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived. 伽利略的思想远远超越了他所生活的时代. advance, adj [attrib 作定语] 1 going before others 先行的; 先头的
the advance party, ie a group (of explorers, soldiers, etc) sent on ahead 先遣队; 先头部队., 2 done or provided in advance 预先做好的; 预先供给的
give sb advance warning/notice of sth 对某事物给某人预先警告[通知]
make an advance booking, ie reserve a hotel room, a seat in a theatre, etc before the time when it is needed 预定(旅馆房间, 戏票等)
an advance copy of a new book, ie one supplied before publication 新书样本(出版前提供者).