
n. 痉挛, 腹部绞痛, 铁夹钳
a. 狭窄的, 难认的
vt. 使抽筋, 以铁箍扣紧, 束缚
【医】 痛性痉挛

cramp n 1 [U] sudden and painful tightening of the muscles, usu caused by cold or too much exercise, making movement difficult 痉挛; 抽筋
The swimmer got cramp in his legs and had to be helped out of the water. 游泳者两腿抽筋, 不得不由他人救助出水.
writer´s cramp, ie in the muscles of the hand 书写痉挛. 2 cramps [pl] (esp US) severe pain in the stomach 绞痛. cramp v 1 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] give insufficient space or scope to (sb/sth); hinder or prevent the movement or development of (sb/sth) 限制在狭小的范围内; 阻碍或妨碍(某人[某事物])的活动或发展
All these difficulties cramped his progress. 所有这些困难阻碍了他的进步.
I feel cramped by the limitations of my job. 我觉得受工作束缚, 没有什麽奔头儿. 2 (idm 习语) be cramped for `room/`space be without enough room, etc 缺乏足够的空间等的
We´re a bit cramped for space in this attic. 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开. cramp sb´s `style (infml 口) prevent sb from doing sth freely, or as well as he can 使某人不能放开手脚; 使某人不能施展其才能
It cramps my style to have you watching over me all the time. 你老是盯著我使我放不开手脚. cramp n 1 (also `cramp-iron) metal bar with bent ends, used in building for holding together timbers or blocks of stone 两爪钉; 扣钉; 爬钉; 弯头钢筋. 2 = clamp 1. cramp, v [Tn] fasten (sth) with a cramp 用两爪钉钩紧(某物)
cramp a beam, wall, etc 用两爪钉把梁、 墙等接连在一起.