
n. 拳曲, 鬈发
vt. 弄卷
vi. 拳曲, 弯曲
【电】 旋度
curl up
curl oneself up
make sb's hair curl

curl n 1 [C] thing, esp a small bunch of hair, that curves round and round like a spiral or the thread of a screw 卷状物; 螺旋状物; (尤指)一绺鬈发
curls (of hair) falling over her shoulder 垂在她肩上的鬈发
hair falling in curls over her shoulders 呈卷状垂於她两肩的头发
the little boy´s golden curls, ie curly hair 这小男孩的金色鬈发
a curl of smoke rising from a cigarette 从香烟上面缭绕升起的一缕烟
`Of course not,´ he said, with a curl of his lip, ie expressing scorn. `当然不是,' 他嘴一撇(表示鄙夷)地说. 2 [U] plant disease in which the leaves curl up (植物的)卷叶病. curl v 1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up) (a) (cause sth to) form into a curl or curls; coil (使某物)弯曲; 盘绕
She has curled (up) her hair. 她已经卷过头发.
Does her hair curl naturally? 她的头发是生来就鬈的吗? (b) (cause sth to) form into a curved shape, esp so that the edges are rolled up (使某物)呈拳曲状(尤指边缘)
The frost made the leaves curl (up). 叶子受霜冻而卷了起来.
The heat curled the paper (up). 纸张受热而打卷儿. 2 [Ipr, Ip] move in a spiral; coil 旋绕; 盘绕
The smoke curled upwards. 烟气袅袅上升.
The plant´s tendrils curled up the stick. 植物的卷须盘绕在枯枝上. 3 (idm 习语) curl one´s lip put on a sneering expression 撇嘴(表示轻蔑). make sb´s hair curl => hair. 4 (phr v) curl up (a) lie or sit with curved back and one´s legs drawn up close to the body (躺或坐)蜷作一团
curl up with a book 弯著身子看书
The dog curled up in front of the fire. 那只狗蜷伏在火炉前面. (b) bend at the waist 弯腰
A blow to the stomach made him curl up. 他腹部受到一击而直不起腰来. curl (sb) up (infml 口) (a) (cause sb to) feel very embarrassed (使某人)感到非常难堪
My father´s bad jokes always make me curl up. 父亲那些要不得的玩笑总是让我很难为情. (b) (cause sb to) laugh heartily (使某人)开怀大笑
I just curled up when I saw her dressed as a clown. 我见她打扮得像个小丑, 把我笑得直不起腰来.