
n. 垫子, 橡皮软垫
vt. 加垫褥, 缓冲, 掩盖
【化】 弹性垫; 软弹性垫
【医】 垫
【经】 安全余量
be on the cushion

cushion n 1 small bag filled with soft material, feathers, etc, used to make a seat more comfortable, to kneel on, etc (坐、 跪等时用的)软垫, 靠垫, 垫子. 2 mass of sth soft 柔软如垫之物
a cushion of moss on the rock 岩石上的一层青苔
A hovercraft rides on a cushion of air. 气垫船悬浮在气垫上行驶.
a `pin-cushion 针插 * (fig 比喻) The three goals we scored in the first half give us a useful cushion (ie protect us) against defeat. 我们在上半?quot;热猩浣娜銮蚩梢允刮颐俏炔偈と? 3 soft bouncy lining of the inside edges of a snooker or billiard table, from which balls rebound (台球台内侧边缘的)弹性衬里. =>illus at snooker 见snooker之插图. cushion, v 1 [Tn] soften (sth) by absorbing the effect of impact 对(某事物)起缓冲作用
Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing. 有效的减震装置缓解了我们著陆时的冲撞力. 2 [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (against/from sth) (fig 比喻) protect sb/sth (from sth harmful), sometimes excessively 保护某人[某事物](有时过分)
a child who has been cushioned from unpleasant experiences 备受关怀而生活得无忧无虑的孩 子
Wage increases have cushioned us from the effects of higher prices. 工资提高後减轻了物价上涨对我们的影响.