vt. 买得起, 足以, 给予
1 [no passive 不用於被动语态
Tn, Tt]
(usu with can, could or be able to 通常与can, could或be able to连用) have enough money, time, space, etc for (a specified purpose) 为(某目的)有足够的钱, 时间, 地方等
They walked because they couldn´t afford (to take) a taxi. 他们因为坐不起计程车而步行.
You can´t afford (ie are not in a position to spend) 90. 你可不能花90英镑.
I´d love to go on holiday but I can´t afford the time. 我倒想去度假, 可是抽不出时间来.
We would give more examples if we could afford the space. 假如我们能匀出篇幅来, 就可以多举些例子了.
2 [no passive 不用於被动语态
Tn, Tt]
(usu with can orcould 通常与can或could连用) be able to do sth without risk to oneself 能不冒风险而做某事物
I mustn´t annoy my boss because I can´t afford to lose my job, ie must not take the risk of losing my job. 我可得罪不起老板, 因为我舍不得丢掉这份工作.
You can ill afford to criticize others when you behave so badly yourself. 本身行为不正, 则不宜批评别人.
3 [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr]
~ sth (to sb) (fml 文) provide sth; give sth 供给某事物; 给予某事物
The tree afforded (us) welcome shade. 这棵树下好乘凉.
Television affords pleasure to many. 电视给很多人带来乐趣.