
vt. 决定, 判决
vi. 决定, 判决
decide against doing so
decide against doing
decide v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn,] settle (a dispute, an issue or a case); give a judgement on (sth) 解决(争端、 问题或案件); 对(某事物)作出判断
The judge will decide (the case) tomorrow. 法官明天判决此案.
It´s difficult to decide between the two. 很难在这两者之间决定取舍.
The judge decided for/against the plaintiff. 法官判决原告胜诉[败诉].
Her argument decided the issue in his favour. 她的论据促成问题的解决对他有利. 2 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tf, Tw, Tt] ~ (on/against sth/sb) consider and come to a conclusion; make up one´s mind; resolve 考虑後作出决定; 下决心; 决定
With so many choices, it´s hard to decide (what to buy). 有这麽多可选择的, 真难决定(买什麽).
After seeing all the candidates we´ve decided on (ie chosen) this one. 我们见了所有的候选人, 决定选这位.
decide against changing one´s job 决定不改变工作
I never thought she´d decide that! 我从来没想到她会决定此事!
It has been decided that the book should be revised. 已经决定这本书要重新修订.
She decided not to go alone. 她决定不单独去. (b) [Ipr, Tn, Tw] (of events, actions, etc) have an important, definite effect on (sth) (指事件、 行动等)对某事物有重要的、 肯定的效果
I wanted to be a painter, but circumstances decided otherwise, ie forced me to be something else. 我本想当画家, 可是环境对我另作安排.
A chance meeting decided my career. 偶然的会面决定了我的事业.
This last game will decide who is to be champion. 最後一局将决定谁是冠军. 3 [Tn,, Tnt] cause (sb) to reach a decision 使(某人)作出决定
What finally decided you against it? 是什麽事情使你最後决定不做此事?
That decided me to leave my job. 那件事使我决定离职.