
ad. 再一次, 又, 到原处
over and again
time and again
as much again as...
half as long again as...
ever and again
now and again
again and again
again adv 1 once more; another time 再一次; 又; 再: Try again. 再试一次.
Say that again, please. 请再说一遍.
Here comes Joe, drunk again. 乔来了, 又喝醉了.
Do call again. 一定再来电话啊.
Don´t do that again. 别再做那种事了.
This must never happen again. 这样的事决不可以再发生了. 2 as before; to or in the original place or condition 如前; 恢复原状
He was glad to be home again. 他又回到家 , 感到很高兴.
Back again already? 已经又回来了?
You´ll never get the money back again. 那笔钱你再也弄不回来了.
You´ll soon be well again. 你不久就会康复.
I´m glad he´s himself/his old self again, ie that he has returned to his normal state again after a shock, an illness, etc. 他又恢复正常[老样子]了, 我感到很高兴. 3 (a) likewise; furthermore 同样地; 也; 此外; 而且; 再者
Again, we have to consider the legal implications. 再者, 我们还要考虑到法律方面的含义. (b) on the other hand 另一方面
I might, and (there/then) again I might not. 我可能, 可也不一定. 4 in addition 增加: I´d like as many/much again, ie twice as many/much. 我愿再增加一倍.
half as much again, ie one-and-a-half times as much 增加一半. 5 (idm 习语) a,gain and a`gain repeatedly 反复地; 屡次地; 一再地; 再三地
I´ve told you again and again not to do that. 我三番五次地告诉过你, 不要做那种事.