
n. 代理机构, 经销商, 中介
【化】 办事处
【经】 代理, 代理处, 代理商
agency n 1 (a) business or place of business providing a (usu specified) service 经销; 代办; 代理; 经销处; 代理处
an employment, a travel, an advertising, a secretarial, etc agency 职业介绍所, 旅行社, 广告社, 秘书介绍所
Our company has agencies all over the world. 本公司在全世界都设有代办处. (b) (esp US) government office providing a specific service 政府的特种机构
Central Intelligence Agency 中央情报局. 2 (idm 习语) by/through the agency of sth/sb (fml 文) as a result of the action of sb/sth 由於或通过某人[某事物]的作用
rocks worn smooth through the agency of water 被水冲得光滑的岩石
He obtained his position by/through the agency of friends. 他通过朋友的帮助得到了一个职位.