
n. 服装, 覆盖物
vi. 穿着
vt. 给...穿衣, 整理
【电】 安放
dress sb down
dress n 1 [C] garment for a woman or girl, consisting of a bodice and skirt in one piece; frock 连衣裙; (上下连身的)女装
She makes all her own dresses. 她的连衣裙都是自己做的. 2 [U] clothes, esp outer garments, for either men or women 衣服(男女均可); (尤指)外衣
casual/formal dress 便服[礼服] * evening dress 晚礼服. dress v 1 [I, Tn] put clothes on (sb/oneself) 穿衣
He takes ages to dress. 他穿衣要用很长时间.
Hurry up and get dressed! 快点穿上衣服!
Is she old enough to dress herself yet? 她会自己穿衣服了吗?
He was dressed as a woman, ie wearing a woman´s clothes. 他男扮女装.
a woman dressed in green 穿著绿衣服的女子. 2 [I, Ipr] put on evening dress 穿晚礼服
Do I need to dress for the theatre? 我去剧院需要穿晚礼服吗? 3 [I, Tn] provide (sb/oneself) with clothes 为(某人[自己])提供衣服
dress well, badly, fashionably, gaudily, etc 穿得好、 不好、 时髦、 俗气等
She can hardly dress her children on the allowance he gives her. 他给她的那点钱连给孩子买衣服都不够.
The princess is dressed by a rising young designer. 公主的衣服是一位初露头角的年轻设计师设计的. 4 [Tn] decorate (sth) 装饰(某物)
dress a shop window, ie arrange a display of goods in it 布置橱窗
dress a street with flags 用旗子装饰街道
dress a Christmas tree with lights 用彩灯装饰圣诞树. 5 [Tn] clean and bandage (a wound, etc) 清洗并包扎(伤口等). 6 [Tn] finish or treat the surface of (sth) 加工、 处理或修整(某物的)表面
dress leather, stone, etc 鞣皮、 琢石等. 7 [Tn] prepare (food) for cooking or eating 为烹调或食用准备(食物)
dress a chicken, ie clean it ready for cooking 把鸡清洗好(待烹)
dress a salad, ie add a dressing to it before serving 给色拉加调味品. 8 [Tn] brush (a horse´s coat); groom 梳刷(马的毛); 梳理. 9 [I, Tn] draw up (troops) in line 整队: dress the ranks 整队. 10 (idm 习语) (be) dressed in sth wearing sth 穿某物
The bride was dressed in white. 新娘穿一身白色的礼服. (be) dressed like a dog´s dinner (infml 口) dressed very smartly or showily 穿著十分时髦或显眼. (be) dressed (up) to `kill (infml 口) be dressed so as to attract attention and admiration, esp from the opposite sex 穿著引人注目(尤指吸引异性). (be) dressed up to the nines very elaborately dressed 穿著讲究. mutton dressed as lamb => mutton. 11 (phr v) dress sb down scold sb; tell sb off 训斥, 斥退(某人). dress up wear one´s best clothes 穿上盛装
Don´t bother to dress up come as you are. 用不著穿讲究衣服--就穿平常的衣服来吧. dress (sb) up (in sth/as sb/sth) put on fancy dress, etc 化装打扮
Children love dressing up. 孩子们都喜欢化装打扮.
dress (up) as a fairy, bandit, pirate, etc 打扮成仙女、 匪徒、 海盗等
They were dressed up in Victorian clothes. 他们化装成维多利亚时代的人. dress sth up (fig 比喻) make sth seem better or different by careful presentation 修饰; 掩饰
The facts are quite clear; it´s no use trying to dress them up. 事实很清楚, 想掩饰是没有用的.
rumours dressed up as hard news 以假乱真的谣言.