
n. 水滴
vt. (使)滴下
vi. (使)滴下
【医】 滴注[法]
drip v (-pp-) 1 (a) [Ipr, Ip] fall in drops 滴下
Rain was dripping (down) from the trees. 雨水从树上滴下. (b) [I, Tn, Tn.pr] let (liquid) fall in drops 让(液体)滴下
Is that roof still dripping? 那个屋顶还漏雨吗?
a dripping tap 滴水的龙头
He was dripping blood (onto the floor). 他的血正在滴(到地板上). 2 (idm 习语) be dripping with sth be full of or covered with sth 充满; 布满
His letter was dripping with flattery. 他的信中充满阿谀之词.
dripping with jewels 浑身珠光宝气. dripping/wringing wet => wet. drip, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Drip, leak, ooze, run, seep indicate the way in which a liquid escapes from a container or tap. *drip、 leak、 ooze、 run、 seep都表示液体从容器或活门流出的方式. Most (not seep) also indicate the way in which a container or tap allows a liquid to escape. 除seep外, 皆可指容器或活门使液体流出的方式. 1 Drip = (allow sth to) fall in regulardrops *drip = (使某物)有规律地滴落
Water is drippingfrom the pipe. 水从管中滴落. The pipe is dripping (water). 管子在滴(水)呢. 2 Leak = (allow sth to) get out (through a hole in sth) *leak = (使某物从孔中)漏出
Wine is leaking from the barrel. 酒自桶中渗漏出来. The barrel is leaking (wine). 酒桶漏(酒). 3 Ooze = (allow sth to) move slowly (out of sth) because thick , ooze = (使某物)慢慢流出(因很稠)
Blood is oozing from the wound. 血从伤口慢慢流出. The wound is oozing (blood). 伤口在出血. 4 Run = (allow sth to) flow continuously (from sth) *run = (使某物)连续不断流出
Water is running from the tap. 水从龙头中流出. The tap is running. 龙头在流水. 5 Seep = move slowly (through a small opening in sth) *seep = (从细孔中)慢慢流出
Oil is seeping from the engine. 油从发动机中渗出.