
n. 药, 麻药, 麻醉药
vi. 吸毒
vt. 使服麻醉药, 使麻木
【化】 医药
【医】 药, 药物
drug n 1 substance used as or in a medicine 药物; 药剂; 药材
a pain-killing drug 止痛药
The doctor has put me on drugs, ie prescribed them for me. 医生给我开了药. 2 substance that affects the nervous system, esp one that is habit-forming, eg cocaine or heroin 影响神经系统的(尤指成瘾性的)物质(如古柯硷或海洛因); 麻醉药; 毒品
take/use/be on drugs 吸毒 * peddle/push drugs 贩毒. 3 (idm 习语) a drug on the `market thing that cannot be sold because no one wants it 滞销品; 滞销货. drug, v (-gg-) [Tn] 1 add a drug(2) to (food or drink) (在食物或饮料中)投放麻醉药, 下麻醉药. 2 give a drug(1, 2) to (sb), esp to make him unconscious 给某人使用麻醉药
in a drugged stupor 被药麻醉而不省人事.