
n. 东方, 东
a. 东方的, 向东的
ad. 向东方, 朝东方
in the east of...
on the east of...
east n [sing] (abbr 缩写 E) 1 the east point of the horizon where the sun rises; one of the four main points of the compass 东; 东方
The wind is blowing from the east. 风从东方来.
He lives to the east of (ie further east than) Exeter. 他住在埃克塞特的东边. Cf 参看 north, south, west. 2 the East (a) countries of Asia, esp China and Japan 东方国家(亚洲的国家, 尤指中国和日本)
philosophies of the East 东方国家的哲学
Yoga originated in the East. 瑜伽起源於东方国家. (b) any part of the world to the east of Europe 欧洲以东的任何地区: the Middle East 中东
the Near East 近东 * the Far East 远东. 3 the East (US) eastern side of the USA 美国的东部地区
I was born in the East, but now live in Los Angeles. 我出生於东部, 但现在住在洛杉矶. east, adj [attrib 作定语] 1 in or towards the east 在东方的; 向东方的
He lives on the east coast. 他住在东部海岸地区. 2 (of winds) from the east (指风)从东方来的
an east wind 东风. Cf 参看 easterly. east, adv towards the east 向东方地
My window faces east. 我的窗户朝东.
We are travelling east. 我们向东方旅行.
a town east of the Danube 多瑙河以东的一个城镇.