
vt. 征募, 参与, 谋取
vi. 从军, 应募, 赞助
【法】 征, 招, 应征
enlist v[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a] ~ (sb) (in/for sth); ~ (sb) (as sth) 1 enter or cause (sb) to enter the armed forces 参军; 从军; 使(某人)入伍
Have you enlisted yet? 你参军了吗?
He enlisted as a soldier in the army as soon as he was old enough. 他年龄一到就入伍当兵了.
They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy. 他们为海军徵募了四百名新兵. 2 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (in/for sth) obtain (help, support, etc) 得到(帮助、 支持等)
I´ve enlisted the co-operation of most of my neighbours in my campaign. 我在这一活动中得到邻里多数人的支持.
Can I enlist your help in raising the money? 你能在我的筹款中赞助一些钱吗? (b) [Tn, Cn.t] get the support or help of (sb) 获得(某人)的支持或帮助
We´ve enlisted a few volunteers to help clean the hall. 我们已经找到几个人自愿协助打扫大厅.
Sarah has been enlisted to organize the party. 萨拉已应邀组织这一聚会.