
n. 要素, 要点, 本质
a. 必要的, 重要的, 本质的
【计】 本质冒险
【医】 必需的, 自发的, 特发的
essential adj 1 [esp pred 尤作表语] ~ (to/for sth) necessary; indispensable; most important 必要; 不可缺少; 最重要
Is money essential to happiness? 金钱对於幸福是必不可少的吗?
It´s essential that you attend all the meetings. 你务必要参加所有的会议.
`Secretary wanted: previous experience essential.´ `招聘秘书: 须有经验.' 2 [attrib 作定语] relating to sb´s/sth´s basic nature; fundamental 本质的; 基本的
His essential decency makes it impossible to dislike him. 他十分正派, 使人不能不喜欢他.
What is the essential theme of the play? 这剧本的主题是什麽? essential, n (usu pl 通常作复数) fundamentally necessary element or thing 要素; 要点
A knowledge of French is an absolute essential. 会些法语是非常必要的.
the essentials of English grammar 英语语法纲要
We only had time to pack a few essentials. 我们只来得及装上几件必需品.