
n. 执行部门, 执行委员会, 执行者, 经理主管人员
a. 执行的, 善于执行的, 善于经营的
【计】 执行程序
【经】 主管人员, 行政部门, 总经理
executive adj[usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 (esp in business) concerned with the management and carrying out of plans, decisions, etc (尤指企业中)经营管理的, 经营的, 经理的
executive duties 经营管理的职责
possess executive ability 具有管理的才能. 2 having power to carry out decisions, laws, decrees, etc (对决策、 法律、 法令等)有执行权的, 行政的, 决策的
executive authority 行政当局
the executive branch of the Government 政府的行政部门
the executive committee of a political party 一政党的执行委员会
the executive head of State, eg the President of the US 一国的行政首长(如美国的总统). executive, n 1 [CGp] person or group in a business organization, trade union, etc with administrative or managerial powers (在企业、 工会等中的)行政领导; 经理; 董事; 董事会
a sales executive 营业主任
She´s an executive in a computer company. 她是一家计算机公司的行政人员.
The executive has/have been making decisions about the future of the company. 领导层一直在研究公司未来的决策.
[attrib 作定语] an executive briefcase 行政人员公事包. 2 [C] (in the Civil Service) person who carries out what has been planned or decided (政府文职部门的)行政人员
[attrib 作定语] executive officer 行政主任. 3 the executive [Gp] executive branch of a government 政府的行政部门.