
n. 出口, 退场, 离去, 去世
vi. 退出, 脱离, 去世
【计】 退出; DOS内部命令:本命令用于退出当前的命令处理器(COMMAND.COM)
exit n 1 action of leaving; departure, esp that of an actor from the stage 离别; 离开; (尤指演员)退场
The heroine makes her exit (from the stage). 女主角退场.
When his ex-wife arrived at the party he made a swift exit, ie he left quickly. 在聚会上, 他的前妻来到时, 他匆匆离去.
[attrib 作定语] an exit visa, ie a stamp or signature on a passport giving permission to leave a particular country 出境签证. 2 way out (of a public building) (公共建筑物的)出口, 太平门
There are four emergency exits in the department store. 这百货公司有四个紧急出口.
[attrib 作定语] The exit signs in cinemas are usually illuminated. 电影院的出口标记通常都有照明. 3 point at which a road, etc turns off from a motorway or roundabout, allowing vehicles to leave (车辆可从高速公路或环状交叉路驶出的)出口, 出路
At the roundabout, take the third exit. 在环状交叉路口, 从第三条出路驶出.
Leave the motorway at the Stokenchurch exit. 在斯托肯彻切出口处驶离高速公路. exit, v [I] 1 go out; (esp of an actor) leave (the stage) 出去; 离去; 退出; (尤指演员)退场
At the end of the third scene the actress exits. 该女演员於第三场结束时退场.
(joc 谑) We exited from the party as soon as we could. 我们在聚会上能抽得身时, 便鞠躬下台告辞而去. 2 (as a printed stage direction in plays) he or she leaves the stage (剧本中的舞台说明)他下场
Exit Macbeth. 麦克佩斯退场. Cf 参看 exeunt.