fall in

集合, 倒塌, 到期
【法】 同意, 到期, 期满
fall in的短语、例句:
fall in collapse 塌陷; 倒塌: The roof of the tunnel fell in. 隧道顶部塌了下来. fall (sb) in (cause sb to) form a military formation; (cause sb to) go on parade (使某人)排成军事队形; (使某人)集合
The sergeant ordered his men to fall in 中士命令士兵集合. fall in with sb/sth (a) meet sb by chance; join sb; become involved with sb/sth 偶遇某人; 与某人在一起; 与某人[某事物]牵涉在一起
He fell in with bad company. 他交上了损友. (b) agree to or show support for sb/sth 同意或支持(某人[某事物])
She fell in with my idea at once. 她立即同意了我的意见.