
n. 农场, 农田
vt. 耕种
vi. 种田
【法】 农场, 农壮寄养场所, 包出税款
farm sth out
farm n 1 area of land, and the buildings on it, used for growing crops or raising animals 农田; 农场; 饲养场
We´ve lived on this farm for twenty years. 我们已在这农场住了二十年.
[attrib 作定语] farm produce 农产品
farm machinery 农业机械. 2 farmhouse and the buildings near it 农舍及附近的建筑物
get some eggs at the farm 从农场弄些蛋. 3 place where certain fish or animals are raised (某些鱼或其他动物的)养殖场
a trout- pig-farm 鳟鱼饲养场[貂饲养场/养猪场]. farm v 1 (a) [I] grow crops or rear animals 种田; 务农; 饲养动物
He is farming in Africa. 他在非洲务农. (b) [Tn] use (land) for this 耕种(土地)
She farms 200 acres. 她耕种200英亩土地. (c) [Tn] breed (animals) on a farm 在农场饲养(动物)
farm beef cattle 饲养肉牛. 2 (phr v) farm sb out (to sb) arrange for sb to be cared for by others 托别人照看(某人)
The children were farmed out to nannies at an early age. 孩子们小时候由奶妈照看. farm sth out (to sb) send out or delegate (work) to be done by others 招人承包(工作)
We´re so busy we have to farm out a lot of work. 我们太忙, 许多工作得招人承包.