
n. 命运, 运气
vt. 注定
【医】 命运
【经】 命运
fate n 1 [U] power believed to control all events in a way that cannot be resisted; destiny 命运; 天数; 定数
I wanted to go to India in June, but fate decided otherwise. 我本想六月去印度, 但天意难遂我愿. 2 [C] (a) person´s destiny or future (人的)命运或未来
The court met to decide our fate(s). 法院开庭以决定我们的命运.
I am resigned to my fate. 我听天由命. (b) death or destruction 死亡; 毁灭
He met his fate (ie died) bravely. 他死得很英勇. 3 (idm 习语) a ,fate worse than `death (joc 谑) very unpleasant experience 极不愉快的经历; 活受罪
Having to watch their home movies all evening was a fate worse than death! 整个晚上无可奈何地看他们的家庭电影真受罪! tempt fate/providence => tempt. fate, v [only passive 只用於被动语态
Tf, Cn.t] destine 命中注定; 命该
It was fated (ie Fate decided) that we would fail. 我们注定要失败.
He was fated to die in poverty. 他注定在贫困中死去.