
n. 火焰, 火舌, 热情, 光辉
vt. 焚烧, 用火焰给...灭菌, 用火焰传送(信号), 点燃, 激动
vi. 燃烧, 爆发, 闪耀
【计】 无聊邮件, 无益邮件
【化】 火焰
【医】 火焰
flame out
flame n 1 [C, U] hot glowing portion of burning gas that comes from something on fire 火焰
The curtains were enveloped in a sheet of flame. 窗帘被火焰吞没.
the tiny flame of a cigarette-lighter 打火机小小的火焰
The house was in flames, ie was on fire, burning. 房子失火了.
An oil heater was knocked over and burst instantly into flames, ie suddenly began to burn strongly. 油加热器碰倒了, 顿时燃起了一片大火.
The whole hotel went up in flames (ie was destroyed by fire) in minutes. 整个旅馆几分钟就烧毁了. =>illus at candle 见candle插图. 2 [C] bright light or brilliant colour, usu red or orange 明亮的光线或灿烂的颜色(通常指红色或橙色)
The flowering shrubs were a scarlet flame. 花丛一片嫣红. 3 [C] (rhet 修辞) intense feeling, esp love 强烈的感情(尤指爱情)
the flame of passion 激情的烈焰
A flicker of interest soon turned into the burning flames of desire. 一丝情趣的星星之火未几演成了乾柴烈火. 4 [C] (infml 口) person with whom one was once in love; sweetheart or lover (used esp in the expression shown) 旧情人, 情人, 爱人(尤用於以下示例): an old flame 老相好. 5 (idm 习语) add fuel to the flames => add. fan the flames => fan2. pour oil on the flames => pour. flame v 1 [La, I] burn with a brighter flame 燃烧; 发出火焰
The burning coals started to flame yellow and orange. 燃烧著的煤开始发出了黄色与橙色的火焰. 2 [La, I, Ipr] glow or shine like (the colour of) flames; blaze 似火焰(的颜色)般地闪耀; 放光
wooded hillsides that flame red in autumn 长满树木的山坡, 在秋季红如火焰
a flaming sunset 火红的晚霞
flaming red hair 如火的红发
His face flamed (with anger/embarrassment). 他(气得[窘得])面红耳赤.