
n. 飞行, 射程, 逃走, 飞跃, 飞机航程, 班机, 迁徙, 飞逝
vi. 迁徙
vt. 射击(飞禽), 为(箭)装上羽毛, 使惊飞
【法】 逃跑, 溃退, 外逃
flight n 1 [U] (a) action or process of flying through the air; ability to fly 飞行; 飞翔; 飞行的能力
the age of supersonic flight 超音速飞行的时代
The bird had been shot down in flight, ie while flying. 这只鸟是在飞行中打下来的. (b) movement or path of a thing through the air (物体在空中的)飞行或路线
the flight of an arrow, a dart, a missile, etc 箭、 标枪、 导弹等的飞行. 2 [C] (a) journey made by air, esp in an aircraft on a particular route 空中的航行; (尤指飞机等的)航班
a smooth, comfortable, bumpy, etc flight 平稳的、 舒服的、 颠簸的空中航行
All flights have been cancelled because of fog. 因为有雾所有航班都已取消. (b) aircraft making such a journey 班机
We travelled aboard the same flight. 我们搭乘同一班机.
Flight number BA 4793 will arrive in London at 16.50. 英国航空公司4793号班机於16时50分抵达伦敦. 3 [U, C] passage or journey through space 航天飞行; 宇宙飞行
the history of manned space flight 载人航天史. 4 [C] group of aeroplanes working as a unit 飞行队
an aircraft of the Queen´s flight 女王专用机队的一架飞机. 5 [C] ~ (of sth) number of birds, insects, etc flying together or of arrows released together (鸟、 昆虫等的)群飞; (箭的)齐发
a flight of geese 一队飞雁
a flight of arrows 齐发的箭. 6 [C] series of stairs between two floors or landings 一段楼梯或阶梯
There was no lift and we had to climb six flights of stairs. 没有电梯, 我们得爬六段楼梯. 7 [U] swift passage, esp of time 飞逝(尤指时间). 8 [C] ~ of sth instance of sth very imaginative but usu not practical (想像力的)奔放
wild flights of imagination 想像联翩. 9 (idm 习语) a flight of `fancy unrealistic idea, etc that exists only in sb´s mind 悬想; 异想天开
Her latest flight of fancy is to go camping in the Sahara desert! 她最近心血来潮想到撒哈拉沙漠去野营! in the first/top flight taking a leading place; excellent of his/its kind 占先; 名列前茅; 同行[同类]中的优秀者
She´s in the top flight of journalists. 她是出类拔萃的新闻工作者. flight, v [Tn] (in cricket) give (the ball) a certain path through the air when bowling so as to deceive the batsman (板球中)使(球)沿某路线飞行(以迷惑击球员)
a well-flighted delivery 漂亮的投球. flight n 1 [C, U] act or instance of fleeing or running away 逃; 逃避; 逃跑
Many soldiers fell wounded in their flight from the defeat. 许多士兵在溃逃中受伤.
(fig 比喻) the flight of capital, ie the sending of money out of a country during a financial crisis 资金外流(在财政危机时将资金转到国外). 2 (idm 习语) put sb to `flight force sb to flee 迫使某人逃走
The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army. 部队向前进, 赶跑了敌人. take (to) `flight flee; run away 逃走; 逃跑
The gang took (to) flight when they heard the police car. 那伙歹徒听到警车声便逃跑了.