
n. 泡沫, 水沫, 泡沫材料
vi. 起泡沫, 吐白沫
vt. 使起泡沫
【化】 泡沫
【医】 泡沫
foam n[U] 1 (a) mass of small, usu white, air bubbles formed in or on a liquid 泡沫
The breaking waves left the beach covered with foam. 浪花弄得海滩都是泡沫. (b) frothy bubbles of saliva or perspiration 唾沫; 汗珠. 2 any of various chemical substances forming a thick bubbly mass and used for different purposes (化学物质的)厚层泡沫
`shaving foam 剃须泡沫膏. 3 rubber or plastic in a spongy form, used to fill seats, cushions, etc 泡沫橡胶; 泡沫塑料
[attrib 作定语],foam `rubber 泡沫橡胶. foam, v [I, Ipr] form or send out foam; froth 起泡沫; 发出泡沫
a glass of foaming beer 一杯起泡沫的啤酒
The sick dog foamed at the mouth. 那只病狗口吐白沫.
(fig 比喻) After having to wait an hour the customer was foaming (at the mouth) with rage, ie obviously very angry. 那顾客等了一小时後气得七窍生烟.