
n. 脚, 步调, 英尺, 底部, 末尾, 步兵
vt. 走在...上, 给...换底, 支付
vi. 跳舞, 步行, 总计
【医】 足; 英尺
on foot
under foot
have one foot in the grave
put a foot wrong
put one's best foot forward
put one's foot up
pull foot
put one's foot in it
set foot on...
set foot in...
foot n (pl feet ) 1 [C] lowest part of the leg, below the ankle, on which a person or animal stands 脚; 足
He rose to his feet, ie stood up. 他站起身来.
walking round the house in bare feet, ie not wearing socks, shoes, etc 光脚围著房子走
[attrib 作定语] a foot switch, brake, pump, etc, ie operated by one´s foot, not one´s hand 脚踏开关、 脚煞车、 脚踏泵. =>illus 见插图. 2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] part of a sock, stocking, etc that covers the foot (袜子等的)足部. 3 [C] (pl feet or, in informal use and attributively, 用於口语或作定语时, 亦作 foot) (abbr 缩写 ft) measure of length
12 inches (长度单位)英尺(12英寸)
We´re flying at 35000 feet. 我们飞行的高度是35000英尺.
`How tall are you?´`Five foot nine´, ie five feet and nine inches. `你身高多少?'`五英尺九英寸.'
[attrib 作定语] a 6-foot high wall 6英尺高的墙. =>App 4,5 见附录4、 5. 4 [sing] the ~ of sth (a) the lowest part of sth; base or bottom of sth (某物的)最下部, 底部
at the foot of the stairs 在楼梯底部
They camped at the foot of the mountain. 他们在山脚下露营.
at the foot of the page 在该页的下端. (b) the lower end of a bed or grave 床或坟墓的尾端
Spare blankets lay at the foot of each bed. 每张床的尾端放有备用毛毯. 5 [U] (arch 古) manner of walking or moving 步态
light/swift/fleet of foot 步履轻盈[敏捷/如飞]. 6 [C] unit of rhythm in a line of poetry containing one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables, as in the four divisions of For `men and `men/ may `go 音步(诗行中的节奏单位, 一个音步包括一个重读音节和一个或几个非重读音节, 如以下为四个音步
For `men and `men/ may `go. 7 (idm 习语) be on one´s `feet be standing 站著
I´ve been on my feet all day. 我站了一整天. bind/tie sb hand and foot => hand1. the boot is on the other foot => boot. catch sb on the wrong foot => catch1. cut the ground from under sb´s feet => ground1. drag one´s feet/heels => drag2. fall/land on one´s `feet make a quick recovery after an illness, a business failure, etc, esp through good luck (病後、 事业失败後等)迅速恢复(尤指侥幸). find one´s feet => find. from head to foot/toe => head1. get/have a foot in the door gain/have a first introduction to a profession, an organization, etc 初入一行业、 机构等
It´s difficult to get a foot in the door of publishing. 加入出版界是很难的. get/have cold feet => cold1. have feet of `clay have some basic weakness or fault 有某种根本的弱点或错误. have the ball at one´s feet => ball1. have, etc one´s/both feet on the `ground be sensible, realistic and practical 脚踏实地; 实事求是. have a foot in both `camps have an interest in two different parties or sides, without a commitment to either 脚踩两只船. have one foot in the grave be so old or ill that one is not likely to live much longer 一只脚已踏进坟墓; 行将就木; 死期不远. have two left feet => left2. in one´s stocking feet => stocking. itchy feet => itchy (itch). keep one´s `feet keep one´s balance, esp on a slippery surface; not fall 站稳脚跟(尤指在很滑的表面上); 不跌倒. let the grass grow under one´s feet => grass1. my `foot! (used to express scornful rejection of what sb has just said 用於对某人刚说过的话表示轻蔑的驳斥) nonsense! rubbish!胡说八道! 没这回事! on one´s `feet completely recovered from an illness or a set-back (患病或遭受挫折後)完全复原
After his wife´s death it took him two years to get back on his feet. 他妻子死後两年, 他才振作起来.
Only our party´s policies will put the country on its feet again. 只有我们党的政策才会使国家恢复元气. on foot walking, rather than using any form of transport 步行
We´re going on foot, not by car. 我们走著去, 不坐汽车. the patter of tiny feet => patter2. pull the carpet/rug from under sb´s feet => pull2. put one´s best foot forward => best1. put one´s `feet up rest or relax in a chair or on a bed (esp, though not necessarily, with one´s feet supported) 在椅子上或床上休息(尤指脚部垫起). put one´s `foot down be very firm in opposing sth which sb wishes to do 坚决反对某人想做的事
Mother let us go to the party, but when it came to staying overnight, she put her foot down firmly. 母亲允许我们去参加晚会, 但要说到过夜, 她可决不答应. put one´s `foot in it say or do sth that upsets, offends or embarrasses sb 说的话或做的事使人烦恼、 得罪人或令人难堪. put a foot wrong (esp in negative sentences 尤用於否定句) make a mistake 做错事; 出错; 犯错
I´ve never known him to put a foot wrong, no matter how delicate the issue. 不论问题多麽棘手, 我从没见他出过错. rush/run sb (clean) off his `feet make sb work very hard or move about a lot, so making him exhausted 把某人累坏了; 使某人疲於奔命
Before Christmas the shop assistants are rushed off their feet. 圣诞节前店员忙得不可开交. set foot in/on sth enter or visit (a place); arrive 进入或参观(某地); 到达
the first man to set foot on the moon 第一个登上月球的人
Don´t ever set foot in this house again! 永远别再进这个门! set sb/sth on his/its `feet make sb/sth independent 使某人[某事物]独立. shake the dust off one´s feet => shake1. sit at sb´s feet => sit. stand on one´s own (two) feet be independent and able to take care of oneself 独立自主; 自立
Now that you´re growing up you must learn to stand on your own two feet. 你既然已经长大成人, 就得学会独立生活. start off on the right/wrong foot => rtstart2. sweep sb off his feet => sweep1. take the weight off one´s feet => weight. ten feet tall pleased with and proud of oneself 沾沾自喜; 自鸣得意
be/feel/look/seem ten feet tall 表现出[感到/显得/似乎]得意扬扬. under one´s `feet disturbing one and being a nuisance 碍手碍脚; 讨厌
The children are under my feet all day. 孩子们整天烦我. wait on sb hand and foot => wait1. walk sb off his feet => walk1. foot v (idm 习语) foot the `bill (for sth) be responsible for paying the cost of sth 负责缴付费用; 付帐
Who´s going to foot the bill for all the repairs? 谁来付所有的修理费? `foot it (infml 口) walk; not travel by bus, etc 步行.