
a. 交替的, 轮流的, 间隔的
vt. 轮流, (使)交替
vi. 轮流, (使)交替
【机】 交互, 交变; 交替
alternate adj[usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 (of two things) happening or following one after the other (指两种事物)交替的, 轮流的
a pattern of alternate circles and squares 圆形与方形相间的图案
alternate triumph and despair 交替而来的得意与失意. 2 every second 间隔的; 每隔一个的
on alternate days, eg on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, etc 每隔一日(如星期一, 三, 五等). 3 (of leaves growing on both sides of a stem) not opposite each other 互生的(指叶在梗两边非对生的). alternate v 1 [Tn,] ~ A and B/~ A with B cause (things or people) to occur or appear one after the other; arrange by turns 使(事物或人)交替发生或出现; 轮流安排
Most farmers alternate their crops. 多数农民实行轮作.
He alternated kindness with cruelty, ie was kind, then cruel, then kind again, etc. 他恩威并行(时而和蔼可亲, 时而凶狠残暴).
She alternated boys and girls round the table. 她让男女相间围成一桌. 2 [Ipr] ~ with sth; ~ between A and B occur in turn; consist of two different things in turn 轮流; 交替
Rainy days alternated with dry ones. 雨天与晴天交替更迭.
The weather alternated between rain and sunshine. 时而下雨, 时而放晴.
Their work alternates between London and New York, ie is first in London, then in New York, then back in London, etc. 他们的工作轮流在伦敦和纽约两地进行.