
n. 缝隙, 缺口, 间断, 间距, 通用汇编程序
vt. 打开缺口, 造成缝隙
vi. 豁开
【计】 通用汇编程序, 图形应用程序, 间距
【化】 间隙; 开口; 空隙; 缺口
【医】 裂, 隙, 裂孔
gap n ~ (in/between sth) 1 opening or break in sth or between two things 缺口; 裂口; 豁口
a gap in a fence, hedge, wall, etc 篱笆、 树篱、 墙壁等的豁口
The road goes through a gap in/between the hills. 公路从山间峡谷穿过. 2 unfilled interval of space (空间的)间隔
a gap of five miles between towns 镇与镇之间 相隔五英里
(fig 比喻) There were some unaccountable gaps in (ie parts missing from) his story. 他讲的话有些地方连贯不起来. 3 unfilled interval of time; lapse (时间的)间隙, 间断
a gap in the conversation 谈话中的停顿
After a gap of 30 years the custom was reintroduced. 这一风俗中断了30年後又兴起来了.
a temporary job to fill the gap between school and university 高中毕业到升入大学前这段时间的临时工作. 4 (fig 比喻) separation 分离
a wide gap between the opinions of two people 两人意见的巨大分歧. 5 (fig 比喻) deficiency which needs to be filled 需加填补的不足、 缺陷或空白
a gap in one´s education 个人受教育上的缺欠
There was a terrible gap in her life after her husband died. 她在丈夫去世後生活中有过一段难堪的日子.
a gap in the market, ie absence of a type of article which people might wish to buy 市场上某货物的脱销. 6 (idm 习语) bridge a/the gap => bridge. a credibility gap => credibility (credible). the generation gap => generation.