
n. 巨人, 大力士, 巨大怪物
a. 庞大的, 巨大的
【医】 巨人, 巨生物
giant n 1 (in fairy-tales and myths) person of human shape but enormous size and strength (often cruel and stupid) (童话和神话故事中的)巨人(常为残酷和愚蠢的). 2 unusually large person, animal, plant, business organization, etc 巨人, 巨物(异常大的动植物、 商业组织等)
His son is a giant of 6 feet already. 他的儿子已是6英尺高的大个子了.
He´s the giant of (ie the tallest person) the family. 他是家中个子最高的.
What a giant of a tree! 多高大的树哇!
the multinational oil giants 跨国大石油公司
[attrib 作定语] a giant cabbage 大洋白菜
a cabbage of giant size 巨大的洋白菜. 3 (fig 比喻) person of unusually great ability or genius 能力或才智超群的伟人
Shakespeare is a giant among poets/the giant of poets. 莎士比亚是诗人中的大文豪.