
a. 高兴的, 喜欢的, 情愿的
be glad of...
glad adj (-dder, -ddest) 1 [pred 作表语] (a) ~ (about sth/to do sth/that...) pleased; delighted 高兴; 喜悦
`I passed the test.´ `I´m so glad!´`我考试及格了.'`我真高兴!'
I´m glad about your passing the test. 你考及格了, 我很高兴.
I´m glad to hear he´s feeling better. 听说他身体好些了, 我很高兴.
I´m glad he´s feeling better. 他身体好些了, 我很高兴. (b) ~ (about/of sth); ~ (to do sth/that...) relieved 令人宽慰; 使人安心
I´m so glad I didn´t agree to do it; it would have got me into serious trouble. 幸而我没同意做那事, 要不然惹的麻烦就大了. (c) ~ of sth grateful for sth 为某事而感激
I´d be glad of (ie I´d like) your help/a cup of tea. 你若能帮忙[给我一杯茶]本人十分感激. (d) ~ to do sth willing and eager to do sth 愿意并热切要做某事
I´d be glad to lend you the money. 我很乐意借给你钱.
If you´d like me to help you, I´d be only too glad to. 若要我帮忙, 我十分乐意相助. 2 [attrib 作定语] (a) causing or bringing joy 令人高兴的; 给人带来喜悦的
glad news/tidings 好消息[喜讯]
a glad day, moment, etc 令人高兴的日子、 时刻等. (b) (rhet 修辞) expressing joy 快乐的; 欣喜的
the children´s glad laughter 儿童们快乐的笑声. 3 (idm 习语) I would be glad if... (ironic 反语) (used instead of a direct command 用作间接命令)
I´d be glad if you would go away! ie Go away! 你要是能走开, 我感激不尽. `glad rags (infml 口) clothes for a festive occasion 庆祝场合穿的衣服
put on one´s glad rags 穿上节日盛装.