
n. 去, 离去, 工作情况, 地面状况, 行为
a. 进行中的, 流行的, 成功的, 现存的
【法】 进行情况, 工作条件, 行为
to be going with
going n 1 [sing] act of leaving a place; departure 离去; 离开
We were all sad at her going. 她一走我们都很难过. 2 [U] condition or state of the ground, a road, a race-track, etc for walking, riding on, etc (地面、 道路、 跑道等的)路面条件或情况
The path was rough going. 这小道崎岖难走.
The going (ie The surface of the race-track) at Newmarket is soft today. 今天纽马基特的跑道湿软. 3 [U] rate of progress, travel, etc 进展、 行进等的速率
It was good going to reach London by midday. 那次行进速度很快, 到中午已抵达伦敦.
She was a company director before she was 25; that´s not bad going! 她不到25岁就当上公司主管, 升得可真快! 4 (idm 习语) comings and goings => coming. get out, go, leave, etc while the ,going is `good leave a place or stop doing sth while conditions are still favourable or while it is still easy to do so 趁情况有利时离开; 急流勇退; 及时脱身
Life here is getting more difficult all the time let´s go while the going´s good. 这里的生活越来越困难了--趁现在好走, 咱们还是走吧. heavy going => heavy. going, adj (idm 习语) a ,going con`cern an active and prosperous business, institution, etc 活跃和繁荣的企业、 机构等. the ,going `rate (for sth) the usual amount of money paid for goods or services at a particular time (某段时间内为商品或服务所付的)一般的费用或酬金
The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour. 自由职业者的现行酬金是每小时5英镑.