
n. 草, 草原, 牧场
【医】 草, 禾本
grass n 1 [U] various kinds of common wild low-growing plants of which the thin green leaves and stalks are eaten by cattle, horses, sheep, etc 草; 牧草
a blade (ie leaf) of grass 一片草叶
a meadow covered with/planted with grass 长著[种著]草的草地
[attrib 作定语] grass seed 草籽
a grass skirt, ie made of long dried grass, as worn in the S Pacific 草裙(以长乾草制成, 南太平洋地区人穿用). 2 [C] any species of this plant (including, in botanical use, cereals, reeds and bamboos) 禾本科植物(植物学的用语, 包括谷类、 芦苇、 竹)
a study of different grasses 对各种草的研究. 3 [U] ground covered with grass; lawn; pasture 草地; 草坪; 牧场
Don´t walk on the grass. 勿踏草坪.
mow the grass 割草 * cattle put out to grass, ie put in a field to eat the grass 在田野里牧放的牛. 4 [U] (sl 俚) marijuana 大麻. 5 [C] (Brit sl usu derog 俚, 通常作贬义) (used by criminals 罪犯用语) person who informs the police of criminal activities and plans 告密者. 6 (idm 习语) the grass is (always) greener on the other `side (of the fence) (saying 谚) (said of people who never seem satisfied and always think that others have a better situation than they have 用以指永不知足的人, 总以为别人的境况比自己的好). (not) let the grass grow under one´s feet (not) delay in getting sth done 做事(不)拖拉. put sb out to `grass (infml 口) force sb to retire, esp because of old age 迫使某人退休(尤指因年老). a snake in the grass => snake. grass v 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (over) cover sth with turf 以草皮覆盖某物. (b) [Tn] (US) feed (animals) with grass 以草喂(动物). 2 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb) (Brit sl usu derog 俚, 通常作贬义) (used by criminals 罪犯用语) inform the police of sb´s criminal plans or activities 向警方告密; 出卖
If anyone grasses on us, his life won´t be worth living! 谁要是出卖我们, 他就别想活了!