
a. 大的, 非常的, 主要的, 重大的, 崇高的, 伟大的
ad. 顺利地, 得意地
n. 全部, 大人物, 大师
in great detail
great at
great on
great with
a great many
a great deal
great adj (-er, -est) 1 (a) [attrib 作定语] well above average in size, extent or quantity 大的; 巨大的; 非常的; 很多的
The great ship sank below the waves. 巨轮在滚滚浪涛中沉没.
a great expanse of forest 广阔的森林
dive to a great depth 潜到极深处
all creatures great and small 大大小小的生物
A great crowd had turned up. 来了一大群人.
People had turned up in great numbers. 来了成批的人.
The great majority (of people) (ie Most people) approve. 大多数人赞成. (b) far away in space or time 距离遥远的; 时间久远的
He lives a great distance away. 他住得很远.
That was a great while ago. 那是很久以前的事了. (c) [usu attrib 通常作定语] exceptional in degree or intensity; considerable (程度或强度)异乎寻常的; 格外的; 相当的
of great value, importance, relevance, significance, etc 价值、 重要性、 关系、 意义等颇大的
He described it in great detail. 他描述得相当详细.
Take great care to do it properly. 要格外用心地把这事做好.
You have my greatest (ie very great) sympathy. 我非常同情你.
be in great demand, ie much wanted 需求甚大. (d) in a very good state of health, morale or well-being; fine 健康的; 精神好的; 安宁的; 平安的; 好的
I feel great today! 我今天觉得精神好极了!
in great form, ie very fit and active 精力充沛
in great spirits, ie very cheerful 心情很愉快. (e) [attrib 作定语] with very good or bad effects 有极好的或极坏的效果的
It´s a great relief to know you´re safe. 知你平安无事才放下心来.
You´ve been a great help. 你帮了大忙.
the greatest disaster that has ever befallen us. 我们遭受的最严重的灾难. =>Usage at big 用法见big. 2 (a) of remarkable ability or quality; outstanding 伟大的; 杰出的
a great man, artist, musician, etc 伟人、 伟大的艺术家、 伟大的音乐家
her great deeds 她的伟大事迹
No one would deny that Beethoven´s symphonies are great masterpieces. 人人都认为贝多芬的交响乐是伟大的杰作.
the world´s greatest novelist 世界最杰出的小说家. (b) [attrib 作定语] of high rank or status 级别高的; 地位高的: a great lady 贵妇人
the great powers, ie important and powerful countries 强国
Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝. (c) (infml 口) very remarkable; splendid 非常的; 非凡的; 出众的; 绝妙的; 了不起的: He´s great! 他真了不起!
She´s the greatest! 她真是不得了!
It´s great that you can come! 你能来太好了!
What a great party! 这聚会真棒!
He scored a great goal. 他射入的一球真绝. (d) (infml 口) ~ (to do sth) very enjoyable or satisfactory 非常愉快的; 令人满意的
We had a great time in Majorca. 我们在马霍卡玩儿得真痛快.
It´s great to know you! 认识您很高兴!
It´s great to have met you! 与您会面令人十分愉快! 3 (a) ~ for sth (infml 口) very suitable for sth; ideal or useful for sth 对某事物极适合的; 对某事物理想的或有用的
This little gadget´s great for opening tins. 这小玩意儿开罐头挺好用.
These are great shoes for muddy weather. 这种鞋在雨天泥泞的地上走最合适. (b) [pred 作表语] ~ at sth (infml 口) clever or skilful at sth 擅长某事; 精於某事
She´s great at tennis, chess, etc. 她对网球、 象棋什麽的都擅长. (c) (ironic 反语) (used to express exasperation, scorn, etc 用以表示恼怒、 愤怒、 轻蔑、 嘲笑等)
Oh great, I´ve missed the bus again! 真倒霉, 我又没赶上公共汽车!
You´ve been a great help, you have! 你可帮大忙了, 帮倒忙! 4 [attrib 作定语] (a) important; noteworthy重要的; 显著的; 值得注意的
The princess was getting married, and everyone was in town for the great occasion. 公主那时即将成婚, 人人都在首都等待这一盛典.
As the great moment approached, she grew more and more nervous. 她因那重要时刻渐近而越来越紧张. (b) unequalled; excellent 无比的; 无双的; 极好的
She had a great chance/opportunity, but she let it slip. 她曾有个绝好的机会, 但没抓住. (c) the great the most important 最重要的
The great advantage of this metal is that it doesn´t rust. 这种金属最大的优点是不生锈. 5 [attrib 作定语] fully deserving the name of; beyond the ordinary 名符其实的; 真正的; 不一般的; 不寻常的
We are great friends. 我们是真正的朋友.
I´ve never been a great reader, ie I do not read much. 我读书不多.
He´s a great one for complaining, ie He constantly complains. 他是个抱怨大王(他总抱怨). 6 [attrib 作定语] (infml 口) (used to intensify another adj of size, etc 用以加强表示体积等另一形容词的词义) very 非常; 很
What a great big idiot! 纯粹的大傻瓜!
You great fat pig! 你这大肥猪!
That´s a great thick slice of cake! 那是一大块蛋糕哇! 7 [attrib 作定语] (used to name the larger of two types, species, etc 用以指称两类、 两种生物等之较大者)
the great auk, ie contrasted with the little auk 大海雀(与小海雀相对). 8 (added to words for relatives beginning with grand- to show a further stage in relationship 冠於以grand-起首的表示亲属的词之前, 以示更高或更低一辈的亲属关系)
one´s ,great-`grandfather, ie one´s father´s or mother´s grandfather 某人之曾祖父(或外曾祖父)
one´s ,great-`grandson, ie the grandson of one´s son or daughter 某人的曾孙. =>App 8 见附录8. 9 (dated infml 旧, 口) (in exclamations of surprise 用於惊叹句中)
Great Scott! 哎呀! * Great heavens! 天哪! 10 (idm 习语) be no great shakes (infml 口) not be very good, efficient, suitable, etc 并非很好; 不太有效; 不怎麽适合; 没什麽了不起
She´s no great shakes as an actress. 她不是什麽名角儿. going great guns (infml 口) proceeding vigorously and successfully 顺利; 成功. a good/great deal => deal2. great and small rich and poor, powerful and weak, etc 贫富、 强弱等
Everyone, great and small, is affected by these changes. 所有的人, 无论高低贵贱都受这些变革的影响. make great/rapid strides => stride. of great price very valuable 很有价值的; 很贵重的. your need is greater than mine => need. great, n 1 (usu pl 通常作复数) (infml 口) person of outstanding ability 高手; 名家
one of boxing´s all-time greats 一位空前的拳击高手. 2 the great [pl v] great(2) people 大人物; 显要人物; 要人
a fashionable affair attended by all the great and the good, ie important and influential people 显要人物都出席的社交盛事. great, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Britain or Great Britain (GB)consists of the geographical areas of England, Scotland and Wales. 不列颠或大不列颠(GB)由英格兰、 苏格兰和威尔士的地域组成. It is often also used to refer to the political state, officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and usually abbreviated to the United Kingdom or the UK. 这一名称也常用以表示行政上的国家, 官方称为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国, 通常简称为联合王国或UK. *The British Isles are the islands of Britain and Ireland. 不列颠群岛包括不列颠和爱尔兰等岛屿. There is no noun in British English commonly used to refer to the nationality of the people of Britain; instead the adjective is used 在英式英语中没有表示英国人国籍的通用名词而用形容词
She´s British. 她是英国人.
The British are said to have an unusual sense of humour. 据说英国人有一种特殊的幽默感. Britisher is used in American English. *Britisher 用於美式英语. Briton is found in newspaper, etc reports of incidents concerning British people and in statistical information. *Briton 见於报刊等涉及英国人的报道及统计资料. It is also used of the early inhabitants of Britain *Briton也用以指不列颠早期的居民
10 Britons in hijacked plane 被劫持飞机上的10个英国人
According to the latest surveys many Britons suffer from heart disease. 据最近调查显示, 许多英国人患心脏病.
the ancient Britons 古代不列颠人.