
n. 客人, 来宾, 旅客
【化】 客体
guest n 1 person invited to visit one´s house or being entertained at one´s expense 宾客; 客人
We are expecting guests this weekend. 我们本周末要来客人.
He invited her to be his guest for the evening at the theatre. 他邀请她晚上去看戏.
an uninvited guest 不速之客
the guest of honour (ie most important guest) at a banquet 宴会上的贵宾. 2 person staying at a hotel, boarding house, etc 住在旅馆、 寄宿处等的人; 旅客
This hotel has accommodation for 500 guests. 这旅馆能接待500位客人.
a paying guest, ie one living in a private house, but paying as if in a hotel 寄宿客(住於私人家中如住旅馆一样付费者). 3 visiting performer taking part in an entertainment 客串演员; 特约演出者
tonight´s guests on the chat show 今晚谈天说地节目的特约嘉宾
[attrib 作定语] a guest artist, singer, conductor, etc 特约艺术家、 歌唱家、 指挥等. 4 person specially invited to visit a place, participate in a conference, etc 受特别邀请访问某地、 参加某会议等的人; 特邀来宾
The scientists are visiting this country as guests of the government. 这些科学家获该国政府特别邀请正在进行访问.
[attrib 作定语] a guest speaker 特邀演讲者. 5 (idm 习语) be my `guest (infml 口) (used as a response to a request 用作请求的答语) please do 请便; 随便
`May I see the newspaper?´ `Be my guest!´ `我可以看这份报吗?'`随便! guest, v [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) (infml 口) appear as a guest(3) on a television or radio programme (在电视或广播节目中)客串.