
n. 枪
【医】 枪
gun sb down
gun for...
gun n 1 [C] any kind of firearm that fires bullets or shells from a metal tube 炮; 枪
Look out, he´s got a gun! 小心, 他拿著枪呢!
a warship with 16-inch guns 装有16英寸口径大炮的军舰
ma`chine-guns 机关枪. =>illus 见插图. 2 the gun [sing] signal to begin a race, given with a starting pistol (用发令枪发出的)起跑信号; 发令枪声
Wait for the gun! 等著发令枪响! 3 [C] tool that forces out a substance for injecting; device for fixing sth 喷射用具; 用以固定某物的装置
a `grease-gun 注油枪 * a `staple-gun U钉枪. 4 [C] person using a sporting gun as a member of a shooting party 猎手. 5 [C] (US infml 口) gunman 杀手; 枪手: a hired gun 雇佣枪手. 6 (idm 习语) going great guns => great. jump the gun => jump2. spike sb´s guns => spike v. stick to one´s guns => stick2. gun, v (-nn-) 1 (idm 习语) be gunning for sb (infml 口) be looking for an opportunity to attack or criticize sb 寻找机会攻击或批评某人. 2 (phr v) gun sb down (infml 口) shoot sb, esp so as to kill or seriously injure him 射倒某人(尤指使之伤亡).