
n. 冰雹, 致敬, 欢呼, 招呼
vt. 向...欢呼, 致敬, 招呼, 使象下雹样落下
vi. 招呼, 下雹
interj. 万岁, 欢迎
【电】 雹
hail from sth
within hail
hail n 1 [U] frozen rain falling in a shower 雹; 冰雹. 2 [sing] (fig 比喻) thing coming in great numbers and with force 来得又多又猛的事物
a hail of bullets, blows, curses 一阵弹雨、 乱打、 乱骂. hail, v 1 [I] fall as hail in a shower 下雹
It is hailing. 正在下雹. 2 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) down (on sb) (fig 比喻) come or send (sth) down hard and fast 迅而猛地落下; 使(某事物)迅而猛地落下
Stones hailed down on them. 石头像雹子一样落在他们身上.
They hailed curses down on us. 他们大骂了我们一通. hail v 1 [Tn] (a) call to (a person or ship) in order to attract attention 招呼(人或船)
within `hailing distance, ie close enough to be hailed 在可以招呼的距离内. (b) signal to (a taxi, etc) to stop 打信号示意(计程车等)停下. 2 [Cn.n/a] ~ sb/sth as sth enthusiastically acknowledge sb/sth as sth 热情地承认某人[某事物]为...
crowds hailing him as king, as a hero 拥他为王、 赞他为英雄的群众
(fig 比喻) The book was hailed as a masterpiece/as masterly. 这本书被誉为杰作. 3 [Ipr] ~ from... originate from (a place) 来自(某地)
She hails (ie comes) from India. 她来自印度.
Where does the ship hail from? ie Which is her home port? 这条船是从哪里开出来的(船籍港是何处)? 4 (idm 习语) be ,hail-fellow-well-`met (with sb) be very friendly or too friendly (with people, esp strangers) (与人, 尤指生人)十分友好或过於亲昵. hail, interj (arch 古) welcome! 欢迎!
Hail, Caesar! 恺撒大帝万岁! n [U] (idm 习语) within `hail close enough to be hailed 在招呼能及的地方.