
n. 健康, 卫生, 蓬勃, 健康状态
【医】 健康
be in good health
not for one's health
drink a health to sb
health n[U] 1 condition of a person´s body or mind 人的身体或精神状况; 健康状况
have poor health 身体不好
be in/enjoy the best of health 身体非常好
Exercise is good for the health. 锻炼身体有益於健康.
Your (very) good health! eg said when drinking a toast to sb 祝你健康! (如向某人敬酒时之用语)
[attrib 作定语] health insurance/care 健康保险[保健]
He retired early for health reasons. 他由於健康上的原因而提前退休. 2 state of being well and free from illness 健康
be restored to health 恢复健康
be bursting with health and vitality 身体健康、 精神抖擞. 3 (idm 习语) a clean bill of health => clean1. drink sb´s health; drink a health to sb => drink2. in rude health => rude. propose a toast/sb´s health => propose.