
a. 重的, 巨大的, 沉重的, 笨重的, 过度的
ad. 沉重地
n. 重物, 严肃角色
【机】 重的, 浓的
make heavy weather of something
be heavy with
deal a heavy blow to
eavy adj (-ier, -iest) 1 having weight (esp great weight); difficult to lift or move 重的; 难以抬起、 举起或移动的
How heavy is it? ie How much does it weigh? 这个东西有多重?
Lead is a heavy metal. 铅是重金属.
The box is too heavy for me to carry. 这箱子太重了, 我搬不动. 2 (a) of more than the usual size, amount, force, etc 超出一般规模、 数量、 力量等的
heavy guns, artillery, ie of the largest type 重炮
a heavy (ie abundant) crop 丰收
Traffic on the roads is heaviest at weekends. 周末的交通最为繁忙.
Fighting was heavy. 战斗很激烈.
suffer heavy casualties/losses 遭受重大伤亡[损失]
have heavy expenses 花销很大
a heavy frost 厚厚的霜
have a heavy cold 患重感冒
heavy (ie loud) breathing 大声的呼吸
a heavy sleeper, ie one who is difficult to wake 睡得很死的人
a heavy drinker/smoker, ie one who drinks/smokes a lot 酒[烟]瘾极大的人. (b) [usu attrib 通常作定语] full of activity; busy活动多的; 繁忙的
a very heavy day, programme, schedule有很多活动的一天、 节目单、 日程表. (c) [pred 作表语] ~ on sth (infml 口) using large quantities of sth 用量很大; 大量
My car is rather heavy on petrol. 我的汽车很费油.
Don`t go so heavy on the sauce! 沙司不要加得太多! 3 falling or striking with force (落下或打击)沉重的
a heavy blow, fall of snow 重重的一击、 一场大雪
heavy rain, seas 大雨、 汹涌的海浪. 4 (a) dense; solid 浓密的; 坚实的: a heavy mist 浓雾
heavy bread, ie doughy from not having risen 未发起的面包. (b) (of the ground) muddy and sticky; hard to work or travel over (指土地)泥泞的, 难耕或难行的: heavy soil 难耕的土地
The going was heavy at the racecourse. 马场地面泥泞难跑. 5 (a) (of food) difficult to digest (指食物)难消化的
a heavy meal 不易消化的饭菜. (b) (fig 比喻) serious 严肃的; 认真的; 庄重的
the heavier newspapers 理论性较强的报纸. (c) (derog 贬) (of a person, book, style,etc) serious and tedious; dull (指人、 书、 风格等)严肃而沉闷的, 单调乏味的
This article is/makes heavy reading. 这篇文章读起来枯燥乏味. 6 stern 严厉的; 苛刻的: He can be very heavy with/on his children. 他有时对子女很严厉. 7 (of a person´s appearance or way of moving) clumsy or ungraceful (指人的外貌或动作)笨拙的, 不雅的
heavy features 粗眉大眼. 8 drowsy 昏昏欲睡的: be heavy with sleep/wine 睡觉睡[喝酒喝]昏了头. 9 (of the sky) dark with clouds (指天空)阴沉沉的. 10 (sl 俚 esp US) dangerous; threatening 危险的; 令人惊恐不安的
a heavy scene 令人惊恐不安的场面. 11 sad 沉痛的: a heavy heart 沉重的心情. 12 (idm 习语) ,heavy `going difficult or boring 困难的; 令人厌烦的
She´s heavy going, ie hard to talk to in an easy, friendly way. 她不好说话(很难随便亲切交谈).
I find the work heavy going. 我觉得这工作很难. a heavy hand harsh or firm control 严厉的或强硬的管理或控制手段
He runs his department with a heavy hand. 他采取强硬措施管理所属部门. make heavy `weather of sth make a task more difficult than it really is 将某事弄得比实际困难. take a heavy toll/take its toll => toll1. heavy, adv (idm 习语) lie heavy on sth => lie2. time hangs/lies heavy on one´s hands => time. heavy, n 1 villainous or serious role or actor in a play, film, etc 戏剧、 电影等中的反派或庄重角色; 扮演反派或庄重角色的演员. 2 (sl 俚) big strong man employed as a bodyguard, etc (受雇任保镖等的)魁伟强壮的人
a gangster protected by his heavies 有打手护卫著的匪徒.