
n. 嗡嗡声, 哼声, 杂声
vi. 发低哼声
vt. 哼, 用哼声表示
interj. 哼, 嗯
【医】 哼鸣
hum v (-mm-) 1 (a) [I] make a low steady continuous sound like that made by bees 发嗡嗡声(如蜜蜂的声音). (b) [I] utter a slight sound, esp of hesitation 发嗯嗯声(尤表示犹豫). (c) [I, Ip, Tn,] ~ (sth) (to sb) sing (a tune) with closed lips 哼(曲子)
She was humming (away) to herself. 她在低声哼唱.
I don´t know the words of the song but I can hum it to you. 我不知道这首歌的歌词, 但我可以哼给你听. 2 [I, Ipr] (infml 口) be in a state of activity 活跃
make things hum 使事情显得有生气
The whole place was humming (with life) when we arrived. 我们到达时, 到处是繁忙的景象. 3 [I] (sl 俚) smell unpleasantly 发出臭味. 4 (idm 习语) ,hum and `ha; ,hum and `haw (infml 口) take a long time to make a decision; hesitate 踌躇再三; 迟疑
We hummed and ha´d for ages before deciding to buy the house. 我们犹豫了很久, 才决定买这所房子. hum, n (usu sing 通常作单数) 1 humming sound, esp of an insect; indistinct murmur, esp of many voices (尤指昆虫的)营营声, 嗡嗡声; (尤指混杂的)模糊而连续的声音
the hum of bees, of distant traffic, of machines 蜜蜂的嗡嗡声、 远处车辆的呜呜声、 机器的隆隆声
the hum of conversation in the next room 隔壁房间里嗡嗡的谈话声. 2 (sl 俚) bad smell 臭味. hum, interj (used to indicate hesitation 用以表示犹豫).