
n. 荣誉, 头衔, 信用, 尊敬, 名誉, 阁下, 勋章
vt. 尊敬, 授予荣誉, 承兑, 实践
【经】 承兑远期票据, 承付即期或到期票据
for the honour of
be on one's honour to do sth
do honour to
in honour of
put sb on his honour
show honour to sb
hold sb in honour
onour (US honor), n 1 [U, sing] source of pride and pleasure; privilege 光荣; 荣幸
the seat of honour at the head of the table 上首席位
It is a great honour to be invited. 承蒙邀请, 十分荣幸. 2 [U] (a) good personal character; strong sense of what is morally right 节操; 正义感
a man of honour 品德高尚的人
Honour demands that he should resign. 为了保持气节, 他应该辞职. (b) reputation for greatness, good behaviour, truthfulness, etc 荣誉; 名誉; 信誉
fight for the honour of one´s country 为祖国的荣誉而战
My honour is at stake. 我的名誉利害攸关. 3 [U] great respect; high public regard 崇敬; 公众表示的敬意
They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. 他们肃立向她致敬. 4 [sing] an ~ to sth/sb a person or thing that brings credit to sth/sb 给某事物[某人]增光的人或事物
She is an honour to her profession. 她是同行的光荣. 5 [C usu pl 通常作复数] thing given as a distinction or mark of respect, esp an official award for achievement or bravery 作为荣誉或尊敬的标志而授予之事物(尤指为表扬成绩或英勇行为而正式授予的)
bury a person with full military honours, ie with a special ceremony to honour the dead soldier 以隆重的军葬礼埋葬死者
Birthday/New Year Honours, ie titles, decorations, etc awarded in Britain by the Sovereign on his or her birthday or on 1 January each year 英国国王或女王在其诞辰或元旦之日授予的荣誉称号、 勋章等. 6 honours [pl] specialized course for a university degree or high level of distinction reached in it (大学)荣誉学位课程, 优等成绩
[attrib 作定语] an honours degree course in French literature 法国文学荣誉学位课程. 7 your/his/her Honour [sing] (used to or about certain judges or people of importance as a title of respect 用作对某些法官或显要人士的尊称)
I plead innocent, your Honour. 我不认罪, 法官大人. 8 [C esp pl 尤作复数] (in card-games) any of the cards of highest value (纸牌戏中)最大点数的牌
hold five spades to (ie of which the highest is) an honour 手中有五张黑桃, 其中有一张大牌. 9 [U] (in golf) right of driving off first (高尔夫球 的)先打权
It´s `your honour, partner. 伙伴, 该你先打. 10 (idm 习语) a debt of honour => debt. do sb `honour (fml 文) show respect for sb 向某人表示敬意或致敬
Fifty heads of state attended the Queen´s coronation to do her honour. 五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼, 向女王表示敬意. do sb an honour; do sb the honour (of doing sth) (fml 文) give sb a privilege 给某人以特权; 使某人有特殊的荣幸
You do us a great honour by attending. 你肯光临使我们感到无比荣幸.
Will you do me the honour of dining with me? 可否赏光与我一起吃饭? do the `honours (infml 口) act as host or hostess; perform some social duty or small ceremony 尽主人之谊; 履行某种社交责任; 执行某种小礼仪
Who´s going to pour the tea shall I do the honours? 谁管斟茶--我来斟好吗? have the honour (of sth) (fml 文) be granted the privilege specified 获得某种特权; 获得某种特殊的荣幸
May I have the honour of this dance? 可以赏光和我跳这个舞吗?
To whom do I have the honour of speaking? 能跟您谈话十分荣幸, 请问尊姓大名? (there is) honour among `thieves (saying 谚) criminals often have their own standards of behaviour that they live by 罪犯往往也有赖以生存的行为准则; 盗亦有道. honours are `even the contest is level 比赛打成平局
Both teams have won the same number of games so honours are even between them. 两队积分相同, 比赛结果不分胜负. (in) honour `bound (to do sth) required to do sth as a moral duty but not by law 道义上应做某事的; 理应做的(非硬性规定的)
I feel honour bound to attend because I promised I would. 我觉得不参加不大好, 因为是我答应过的事. in honour of sb/sth; in sb´s/sth´s honour out of respect for sb/sth 出於对某人[某事物]的敬意
a ceremony in honour of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士而举行的仪式. on one´s honour (to do sth) under a moral obligation (to do sth) 在道义的促使下(做某事). on my `honour I swear it 我发誓; 我以人格担保
I promise I´ll pay you back, on my honour. 我以人格担保, 一定把钱还给你. a point of honour => point1.put sb on his, etc `honour make sb promise solemnly to do sth 使某人郑重承诺做某事. one´s word of honour => word. honour (US honor) v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (with sth) show great respect for sb/sth; give public praise and distinction to sb 向某人[某事物]致敬; 表扬某人; 给某人以荣誉
I feel highly honoured by your trust. 我得到您的信任, 感到十分荣幸.
(fml 文) Will you honour me with a visit? 如蒙造访则荣幸之至. 2 [Tn] (commerce 商) accept and pay (sth) when due 承认(某事物)并如期支付款项; 承兑
honour a cheque/bill/draft 承兑支票[票据/汇票].