
prep. 在...之中
from among...
among other things
among (also amongst ) prep (followed by a plural n or pron or a group n 後接复数名词或代词或集合名词) 1 surrounded by (sb/sth) 被...所围绕; 在...中间
work among the poor, the sick, the elderly, etc 在穷人, 病人, 老人等中工作
He found it amongst a pile of old books. 他是在一堆旧书中找到它的. 2 in the number of (sth); included in 其中; 包括在内
I was among the last to leave. 我是最後离去者之一.
Among those present were the Prime Minister and her husband. 那些出席者中有首相及其丈夫.
He was only one amongst many who needed help. 他只是众多需要帮助者之一. 3 (in parts) to each member of (a group) 把(部分)...分给每一成员
distribute the books among the class 把书发给全班. 4 between 在...相互之间: Politicians are always arguing amongst themselves. 政客们总是彼此争论不休.
(saying 谚) There is honour among thieves. 盗亦有道. among, NOTE ON USAGE 用法: 1 Among is used of people or things considered as a group *among用於指作为一整体的人或事物
Share out the books among the class. 把书分发给全班.
They talked among themselves while they waited. 他们一边等著一边互相谈话.
standing among the crowd at the football match 在人群中站著看足球比赛. 2 Between is used of people or things, either two in number or more than two considered individually *between用於指两个或两个以上各自独立的人或事物
one book between two (pupils) 两个人(小学生)一本书
She divided her possessions equally between her four children. 她把自己的财物平均分给了她的四个孩子.
They hung flags across the street between the houses. 他们把旗子横跨街道悬挂在两边房子中间.
There´s a lot of disagreement between the two main political parties on this issue. 对这一问题, 两大政党间有很大分歧. (Compare 试比较
There´s a lot of disagreement among politicians on this issue. 对这一问题, 政治家们有很大分歧.)