
a. 倾向于...的, 想要...的, 可能的, 趋向于...的
be inclined to
feel inclined for
inclined adj [pred 作表语] 1 ~ (to do sth) wanting to behave in a particular way; disposed 想以某种方式行事; 准备做某事
I´m inclined to trust him. 我比较信任他.
We can go for a walk, if you feel so inclined. 你要是愿意的话, 咱们去散散步吧. 2 ~ to do sth having a tendency to be/do sth; likely to be/do sth 有某种倾向; 很有可能做某事
He´s inclined to be lazy. 他爱偷懒.
The car is inclined to stall when it´s cold outside. 这辆汽车天冷时爱熄火. 3 ~ to do sth (used to make what is said sound less strong) holding a particular opinion (用以使语气和缓)持某种意见
I´m inclined to believe he´s innocent. 我颇以为他是无辜的.
Generally speaking, I´m inclined to agree with you. 总的说来, 我比较同意你的意见. 4 having a natural ability in a specified subject 有某方面的天赋
Louise is very musically inclined. 路易丝很有音乐天赋.