
n. 独立自主者, 无党派者
a. 独立的, 有主见的, 不须依赖的, 不受约束的
【经】 独立的, 自治的
be independent of
independent adj 1 ~ (of sb/sth) not dependent (on other people or things); not controlled (by other people or things) 独立的; 自主的; 自立的
old enough to be independent of one´s parents 年岁已大不必依赖父母
She never borrows anything; she´s far too independent for that. 她从不向别人借东西, 她很有独立性.
Barbados was once a British colony, but now it´s independent. 巴巴多斯曾是英国的殖民地, 现已独立. 2 ~ (of sb/sth) not connected with each other; separate 不相关联的; 单独的; 独自的; 分开的
Two independent investigators have reached virtually the same conclusions. 两个调查人员各自做出的结论简直完全一致. 3 financed by private rather than government money 靠私人而非政府资助的; 私立的
independent television 私营电视台
the independent sector in education 私立的教育机构
independent schools 私立学校. 4 not depending for its validity or operation on the thing(s) involved (不依附所涉及的事物)本身有效的或有作用的
independent evidence, proof, etc 独立的证词、 证据等. 5 not unfairly influenced by the people who are involved; impartial 未受有关的人影响的; 无偏见的
an independent witness, observer, etc 无偏见的证人、 观察者等
We demand an independent inquiry into the government´s handling of the affair. 我们要求对政府处理该事的情况作独立的调查. independent, n (abbr 缩写 Ind) (politics 政) MP, candidate, etc who does not belong to a political party 无党派的议员、 候选人等
stand as an independent 作为无党派候选人.