
vt. 邀请, 请求, 引起, 招致
n. 邀请
invite v 1 [Tn,, Dn.t] ~ sb (to/for sth) (a) ask sb in a friendly way to go somewhere or do sth (朋友般地)邀请, 约请
`Are you coming to the party?´ `No, I haven´t been invited.´ `你来参加聚会吗?'`不, 我没有受到邀请.'
invite sb for/to dinner/to have dinner 请某人吃饭
invite sb home/to one´s house 邀请某人到家中作客
invite sb to a party/to come to a party 邀请某人参加聚会. (b) ask sb formally to go somewhere or do sth (正式地)邀请, 约请
Candidates will be invited for interview early next month. 下月初将约请候选人面试.
I´ve been invited to give a talk at the conference. 我已受邀在大会上发言. 2 [Tn,] ~ sth (from sb) ask for (comments, suggestions, etc) 请求、 要求或徵求(意见、 建议等)
After his speech he invited questions and comments (from the audience). 他讲完话後请听众提问题和意见. 3 [Tn] act so as to be likely to cause (sth bad) usu without intending to 引起, 招致(坏的事物)(通常并非本意)
Leaving your car unlocked is just inviting trouble! 汽车不锁上纯粹是自找麻烦!
behaviour that is sure to invite criticism, hostility, ridicule, etc 肯定招致批评、 敌视、 嘲笑等的行为. 4 [Tn, Cn.t] attract (sb/sth); tempt 吸引(某人[某事物]); 引诱
Cover the jam! It´s sure to invite the wasps. 盖上果酱瓶! 要不准得招黄蜂.
Leaving the windows open is inviting thieves to enter. 窗户不关犹如开门揖盗. 5 (phr v) invite sb along ask sb to accompany one 邀某人作伴. invite sb away ask sb to go away with one, eg on holiday 邀某人同行(如度假). invite sb back (a) ask sb to return with one to one´s home 邀某人回自己家里(作客)
Shall we invite them back after the theatre? 看完戏我们把他们邀回家去好吗? (b) ask sb who has been one´s host to come to one´s home as a guest 回请(被人请後, 还请对方). invite sb down ask sb to come for a visit at some distance, esp in the country or by the sea 邀请某人自远方来(尤指到乡间或海滨)
They´ve invited us down to their country cottage for the weekend. 他们邀请我们到他们的乡间小屋去度周末. invite sb in ask sb to enter a room, house, etc 请某人进入房间、 房子等. invite sb out ask sb to come out with one for a walk, a ride, entertainment, etc, esp for the purpose of courting 邀请某人一同出外散步、 骑马、 开车、 娱乐等(尤指为谈情说爱). invite sb over/round ask sb to visit one´s home 邀请某人到家中作客
I´ve invited the Smiths round for drinks next Friday. 我已邀请史密斯一家下周五来家中小酌. invite sb up ask sb to come upstairs 请某人上楼来. invite n (infml 口) invitation, eg to a party 邀请(如赴宴)
Did you get an invite? 你接到邀请了吗?