
n. 跳跃, 跳动, 暴涨, 惊跳
vt. 跳跃, 跃过, 突升, 使跳跃
vi. 跳跃, 跳, 跳动, 暴涨
【计】 转移, 跳转
【经】 暴涨, 猛增, 非法侵占(采矿权)
jump at sth
jump to one's feet
jump to a conlusion
jump at the job
give sb a jump
at a full jump
be all of a jump
from the jump
get the jump on
jump off
jump sb out
jump to it
on the jump
keep the enemy on the jump
on the keen jump
jump down someone's throat
jump at
jump the gun
jump the queue
jump n 1 [C] act of jumping 跳; 跃; 跳跃: a parachute jump 跳伞
a superb jump 出色的跳跃. 2 [C] obstacle to be jumped over (需跳过的)障碍
The horse fell at the last jump. 那马在跳最後一个障碍时跌倒了.
The water-jump is the most difficult part of the race. 跨跃水沟是赛马中最困难的一项. 3 [C] ~ (in sth) sudden rise in amount, price or value (数额、 价格或价值的)突增, 突升, 暴涨
The company´s results show a huge jump in profits. 公司的结算显示利润大增. 4 [C]sudden change to a different condition or set of circumstances; leap (情况或环境的)突然改变, 飞跃
the country´s great jump forward to a new technological era 该国向新技术时代的大飞跃. 5 the jumps [pl](infml 口) state of extreme nervousness with uncontrollablemovements of the body (神经性)全身颤抖
get/have the jumps 混身颤抖. 6 (idm 习语) be for the high jump => high jump (high1). get the jump on sb (infml 口) gain an advantage over sb 得到超越某人的优势. give sb a `jump (infml 口) shock or surprise sb so that he makes a sudden movement 吓某人一跳
Oh, you did give me a jump! 啊, 你可真吓了我一跳! keep, etc one jump ahead (of sb) remain one stage ahead (of a rival) 保持领先於(对手的)地位. take a running jump => running. jump v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, In/pr] move quickly off the ground, etc, esp up into the air, by using the force of the legs and feet 跳; 跳起; 跃起
to jump into the air, out of a window, over the wall, off a roof, onto the ground, etc 跳起来、 跳出窗户、 跳过墙、 跳下屋顶、 跳到地上
The children were jumping up and down, eg because they were very excited. 孩子们兴奋得跳来跳去.
She can jump 2.2 metres. 她能跳2.2米. 2 [Ipr, Ip] move quickly and suddenly 迅速而突然行动
He jumped to his feet/jumped up (ie stood up quickly and suddenly) as the boss came in. 老板一进来他立刻站了起来.
`Jump in (ie get in quickly),´ he called from the car. `快上车,'他在汽车里喊道. 3 [Tn] pass over (sth) by jumping; clear 跳过(某物); 跃过
The horses jumped all the fences. 马跳过了所有的篱笆. 4 [I] move suddenly with a jerk because of excitement, surprise, shock, etc; start (因兴奋、 吃惊等)跳动, 惊跳
The loud bang made me jump. 砰的一声巨响吓了我一跳.
Her heart jumped when she heard the news. 她听到那消息心突突直跳. =>Usage 见所附用法. 5 [I, Ipr, Ip] (of a device) move suddenly and unexpectedly, esp out of its correct position (指机械)突然地, 意外地运动(尤指离开正常位置)
a typewriter that jumps, ie omitting letters 跳字的(漏掉字母的)打字机
The needle jumps on this record. 唱针在这张唱片上跳针. 6 [Ipr] ~ from sth to sth change suddenly from discussing one subject to another subject 突然改变话题
I couldn´t understand his lecture because he kept jumping from one topic to the next. 我听不懂他的演讲, 他总是从一项内容跳到另一项内容. 7 [Ipr, It, Tn] ~ from sth to sth pass over sth to a further point; omit or skip 跳过; 跃过; 隔过; 略过
The film suddenly jumped from the events of 1920 to those of 1930. 那电影从1920年的事突然跳到1930年的事.
jump several steps in an argument 在论证中跳过了几步. 8 [I, In/pr] ~ (by) sth rise suddenly by a very large amount 突升; 暴涨; 猛增
Prices jumped (by) 60% last year. 物价去年暴涨60%. 9 [Tn] (infml 口) attack (sb) suddenly 突然攻击(某人)
The gang jumped an old woman in the subway. 一伙歹徒在地下人行道突然袭击一老妇人. 10 [Tn] (infml 口 usu US) travel illegally on (a train) 违章搭乘(火车)
jump a freight train 违章搭乘运货火车. 11 (idm 习语) climb/jump on the bandwagon => bandwagon (band). go (and) jump in the/a `lake (usu in the imperative 通常用於祈使句) (dated infml 旧, 口) go away 走开; 滚开. jump `bail fail to appear for a trial after being released on bail 弃保潜逃. jump down sb´s `throat (infml 口) speak to sb in an angry, critical way 怒斥; 斥责. jump for `joy show one´s delight at sth by excited movements 以兴奋的动作对某事表示高兴
The children are jumping for joy at the thought of an extra day´s holiday. 孩子们想到多一天假日, 高兴得直跳. jump the `gun (a) start a race before the starting-gun has been fired 抢跑. (b) do sth too soon, before the proper time 抢先做某事
They jumped the gun by building the garage before permission had been given. 他们未得许可就抢先盖了汽车房. jump the `lights ignore and pass a red traffic-light 闯红灯. jump out of one´s `skin be extremely surprised 非常吃惊; 大吃一惊
The shock of seeing her again made me nearly jump out of my skin. 我又见到了她, 真让我大吃一惊. jump the `queue (Brit) (a) go to the front of a queue of people without waiting for one´s proper turn 未等轮到而抢先; 加塞儿. (b) obtain sth unfairly without waiting for one´s proper turn 未等轮到而提前获得某事物. jump the `rails/`track (of a train, etc) leave the rails suddenly (指火车等)出轨. jump `ship leave the ship on which one is serving, without having obtained permission 擅自离船弃职. jump to con`clusions come to a decision about sb/sth too quickly, before one has thought about all the facts (未经全面考虑)匆匆对某人[某事]作出结论
I know I was standing near the till when you came back into the shop, but don´t jump to conclusions. 我明白, 你回到商店时我确实是站在收款抽屉旁边, 但且不要忙著下结论. jump `to it (usu in the imperative 通常用於祈使句) (infml 口) hurry up 赶快
The bus will be leaving in five minutes, so jump to it! 公共汽车还有五分钟就开了, 快点儿吧! wait for the cat to jump/to see which way the cat jumps => wait1. 12 (phr v) jump at sth seize (an opportunity, a chance, etc) eagerly 迫不及待地抓住(机会、 机遇等)
If they offered me a job in the USA, I´d jump at the chance. 假若他们给我一个职位在美国工作, 我一定赶紧抓住机会不放. jump on sb (infml 口) criticize or challenge sb sharply 严厉地批评或质问
My maths teacher really used to jump on us when we got our answers wrong. 我们过去一算错答案, 数学老师就把我们狠训一顿. jump, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Leap and spring suggest a more energetic movement than jump. *leap和spring表示的动作比jump更加有力. Spring usually indicates a deliberate movement forward *spring通常指有意识的向前的动作
The cat sprang forward and caught the mouse. 猫向前一跳, 捉住了老鼠. We can leap and jump in any direction *leap和jump可指向任何方向的动作
jump/leap into the car, onto the platform, to one´s feet, up the stairs 跳上汽车、 跳到平台上、 一跃而起、 跳上台阶
jump/leap up, down, forwards, back, etc 跳上、 跳下、 向前跳、 向後跳. We also jump in surprise *jump也指吃惊时的动作
The sudden noise made me jump. 突然一声响, 吓了我一跳. Bounce indicates repeated movement up and down, often while jumping on a springy surface *bounce指反覆的上下运动, 常指接触面有弹性
bounce on a bed/trampoline. 在床[蹦床]上跳跃.