
n. 正义, 公平, 公正, 正确, 司法, 审判
do oneself justice
in justice to
bring sb to justice
to do one's justice
do justice to a dinner
justice n 1 [U] (a) right and fair behaviour or treatment 公平; 公正; 正义
laws based on the principles of justice 以公正为原则的法律
efforts to achieve complete social justice 为达到社会的完全公道而做的努力. (b) quality of being reasonable or fair 合理; 公道
He demanded, with some justice, that he should be given an opportunity to express his views. 他要求给他一次机会表达自己的观点, 这也不无道理. 2 [U] the law and its administration 法律制裁; 司法; 审判: a court of justice 法庭
a miscarriage of justice, ie a wrong legal decision 误判. 3 Justice [C] (used as a title of a High Court Judge 用作高等法院法官的头衔)
Mr Justice Smith 法官史密斯先生. 4 [C] (US) judge of a lawcourt 法官. 5 (idm 习语) bring sb to `justice arrest, try and sentence (a criminal) 使(犯人)归案受审. ,do oneself `justice behave in a way that is worthy of one´s abilities 发挥自己的能力
He didn´t do himself justice in the exams, ie did not perform as well as he was capable of doing. 他在考试中没有发挥出自己的能力. do justice to sb/sth (a) recognize the true value of sb/sth; treat sb/sth fairly 承认某人[某事物]的价值; 公平对待某人[某事物]
To do her justice, we must admit that she did deserve to win. 说句公道话, 我们得承认她应该获胜.
The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens. 这张照片没有真实地反映出花园的丰富色彩. (b) deal with sb/sth adequately 尽心处理或对待某人[某事物]
Since we´d already eaten, we couldn´t do justice to her cooking, ie could not eat all the food she had cooked. 我们已经吃过饭了, 所以吃不下她做的食物了.