
a. 锋利的, 敏锐的, 强烈的, 敏捷的, 热心的, 渴望的
n. 挽歌, 痛哭
vt. 唱挽歌, 痛哭
vi. 唱挽歌, 痛哭
be keen about
be keen on
keen adj (-er, -est) 1 ~ (to do sth/that...) eager; enthusiastic 热切的; 热情的; 热心的
a keen swimmer 喜好游泳的人
I´m not keen to go again. 我不太想再去了.
She´s keen that we should go. 她热情地叫我们去. 2 (of feelings, etc) intense; strong; deep (指感情等)热烈的, 强烈的, 深刻的
a keen desire, interest, sense of loss 强烈的愿望、 兴趣、 失落感. 3 (of the senses) highly developed (指感觉)灵敏的, 敏锐的
Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏. 4 (of the mind) quick to understand (指头脑)敏捷的, 精明的
a keen wit, intelligence 敏捷的头脑、 很强的理解力. 5 [esp attrib 尤作定语] (of the points and cutting edges of knives, etc) sharp (指刀等的尖和刃)锋利的, 快的
a keen blade, edge 锋利的刀片、 刀刃. 6 (of a wind) bitterly cold (指风)刺骨的, 凛冽的. 7 (Brit) (of prices) low; very competitive (指价格)低廉的, 竞争力强的. 8 (idm 习语) (as) ,keen as `mustard (infml 口) extremely eager or enthusiastic 极热心的; 极热情的. keen on sth/sb (infml 口) (a) interested in sth 热衷於某事物
keen on (playing) tennis 很喜欢(打)网球. (b) fond of sb/sth 喜爱某人[某事物]
He seemed mad keen on (ie very interested in) my sister. 他发疯似的爱著我妹妹.
I´m not too keen on jazz. 我不太喜欢爵士乐. (c) enthusiastic about sth 对某事物满腔热情的
She´s not very keen on the idea. 她对那主张不很感兴趣.
Mrs Hill is keen on Tom´s marrying Susan. 希尔太太很希望汤姆能和苏珊结婚. keen v [I] (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) lament a dead person by wailing 为死者恸哭、 哀号
keening over her murdered son 恸哭她那被谋害的儿子. keen, n Irish funeral song accompanied by wailing 爱尔兰哀歌(边哭边唱).