
n. 踢, 反冲, 后座力, 凹底
vi. 踢, 反抗, 反冲
vt. 踢, 反冲
【医】 踢伤
【经】 六便士的硬币, 升, 增加酬金
have no kick left
get a big kick out of
get the kick
a kick in one's gallop
a kick in the teeth
kick around
kick back
kick in
kick off
kick oneself
kick out
kick sb downstairs
kick sb upstairs
kick the bucket
kick the wind
kick the clouds
kick up
kick up a dust
on a kick
off a kick
kick up a row
give a kick at
kick v 1 (a) [Tn,] hit (sb/sth) with the foot 踢(某人[某物])
Mummy, Peter kicked me (on the leg)! 妈妈, 彼得踢我(腿)! (b) [Tn,, Tn.p] move (sth) by doing this 踢动(某物)
He kicked the ball into the river. 他把球踢进河里了.
Can we kick the ball around for a while? 我们可以在这一带踢一会儿球吗? (c) [] make (sth) by kicking 踢成(某物)
He kicked a hole in the fence. 他在篱笆上踹了个洞. (d) [I, Ip] move the foot or feet in a jerky violent way 猛烈地蹬、 跺
The child was screaming and kicking. 那孩子边喊叫边跺脚.
Be careful of that horse it often kicks. 小心那匹马--它常尥蹶子.
(fig 比喻) She kicks out when she´s angry. 她发起怒来暴跳如雷. 2 [Tn] ~oneself be very annoyed with oneself because one has done sth stupid, missed an opportunity, etc (因干蠢事、 坐失良机等)懊悔, 内疚, 自责
When I discovered I´d come for the appointment on the wrong day, I could have kicked myself. 我来赴约发现把日期弄错了, 感到非常懊恼. 3 [Tn] (esp in Rugby football) score (a goal or conversion) by kicking the ball (尤指英式橄榄球)踢球(射门)得分
That´s the twentieth goal he´s kicked this season. 这是他本赛季踢进的第二十个球. 4 [I] (of a gun) jerk backwards when fired (指枪炮)反冲, 後坐. 5 (idm 习语) alive and kicking => alive. hit/kick a man when he´s down => man. ,kick against the `pricks hurt oneself by useless resistance or protest 作无谓的抵抗而自身受损; 自讨苦吃. ,kick the `bucket (sl 俚) die 死; 蹬腿儿. `kick the habit (infml 口) give up an addiction 戒除某嗜好
Doctors should try to persuade smokers to kick the habit. 医生应说服吸烟者戒烟. ,kick one´s `heels have nothing to do while waiting for sth 无聊地等待某事物
She had to kick her heels for hours because the train was so late. 火车晚点, 她无聊地等了几小时. ,kick over the `traces (of a person) refuse to accept discipline or control (from parents, etc) (指人)拒不接受(父母等的)管束, 控制. kick up/raise a dust => dust1. ,kick up a `fuss, `row, shindy, stink, etc (infml 口) cause a disturbance, esp by protesting about sth 闹事, 骚动(尤指抗议某事). ,kickup one´s `heels (infml 口) enjoy oneself enthusiastically尽情享乐; 乐得手舞足蹈. ,kick sb up`stairs (infml 口) get rid of sb by promoting him to a position that seems more important but in fact is less so 使某人明升暗降. 5 (phr v) kick against sth protest about or resist sth 反对或反抗某事物
It´s no use kicking against the rules. 反对这些规定是徒劳的. kick around (infml 口) be present, alive or in existence 活著; 健在; 存在
I´ve been kicking around Europe since I saw you last. 你我分别以来, 我一直在欧洲各地生活.
My shirt is kicking around on the floor somewhere. 我的衬衫在地板上的什麽地方.
an idea which has been kicking around for some considerable time 酝酿已久的意见. kick sth around/round (infml 口) discuss (plans, ideas, etc) informally 随便商谈, 非正式地讨论(计划、 想法等)
We´ll kick some ideas around and make a decision tomorrow. 我们先酝酿一下, 明天再作决定. kick sth in break sth inwards by kicking 向内踢某物
kick in a door 从外面把门踢开
kick sb´s teeth in 踢掉某人的牙. kick `off start a football match (by kicking the ball) (足球)开球
United kicked off and scored almost immediately. 联队开球後旋即得分. kick (sth) off begin (a meeting, etc) 开始(会议等)
I´ll ask Tessa to kick off (the discussion). 我叫特萨开始(讨论). kick sth off remove sth by kicking 踢掉某物
kick off one´s slippers, shoes, etc 踢脱拖鞋、 鞋等. kick sb out (of sth) (infml 口) expel sb or send him away by force 驱逐某人; 用武力逼走某人
They kicked him out (of the club) for fighting. 他因为斗殴被开除(出俱乐部). kick n 1 [C] act of kicking 踢; 踹: give sb a kick up the backside 踢某人屁股一脚
If the door won´t open give it a kick. 门要是打不开就踹一下. 2 [C] (infml 口) thrill; feeling of pleasure 兴奋; 快感; 快乐
I get a big kick from motor racing. 我觉得汽车比赛很刺激.
She gets her kicks from windsurfing and skiing. 她从帆板运动和滑雪中得到极大乐趣.
do sth (just) for kicks (仅)为取乐而做某事. 3 [C] (infml 口) (usu temporary) interest or activity (通常为一时的)兴趣, 喜好, 活动
(be on) a health-food kick 一时喜好起保健食品. 4 [U, sing] (infml 口) strength; effectiveness 精力; 气力; 效力
He has no kick left in him. 他已精疲力竭.
This drink has (quite) a kick (to it), ie is strong. 这酒(很)有劲儿. 5 (idm 习语) a kick in the teeth (infml 口) unpleasant and often unexpected action 讨厌的、 且常为未料到的行动
The Government´s decision is a real kick in the teeth for the unions. 政府的决定是对工会的重大打击.