
n. 小山羊, 小山羊肉, 小孩, 欺骗
a. 小山羊皮制的
vt. 哄骗, 嘲弄
vi. 哄骗, 嘲弄
kid n 1 (a) [C] (infml 口) child or young person 小孩; 年轻人
How are your wife and kids? 夫人和孩子们都好吗?
Half the kids round here are unemployed. 这里的年轻人有一半失业. (b) [attrib 作定语] (infml 口 esp US) younger 较年幼的
his kid sister/brother 他的妹妹[弟弟]. 2 (a) [C] young goat 小山羊. =>illus at goat 见goat插图. (b) [U] leather made from its skin 小山羊皮革
a bag made of kid 小山羊皮手提包
[attrib 作定语] a pair of kid gloves 一副小山羊皮手套. 3 (idm 习语) handle, treat, etc sb with kid `gloves deal with sb very gently or tactfully 以温和的或圆通的手段对待某人. kid v (-dd-) 1 [I, Tn] (infml 口) deceive (sb), esp playfully; tease 欺骗(某人); (尤指)戏弄; 取笑
You´re kidding! 你这是开玩笑!
Don´t kid yourself it won´t be easy. 别欺骗自己--这事不容易. 2 (idm 习语) ,no `kidding (infml 口) (used to express surprise at what has been said 用於对听说的事表示惊异)
(ironic 反语) `It´s raining.´ `No kidding! I wondered why I was getting wet!´ `下著雨呢.'`难怪! 我刚才还纳闷怎麽身上有点湿呢!'