
n. 吻
vt. 吻
vi. 接吻
kiss away
kiss off
kiss sb goodby
kiss sb goodbye
kiss sth goodby
kiss sth goodbye
kiss of life
kiss v[I, Tn,] 1 touch (sb/sth) with the lips to show affection or as a greeting 吻(某人[某物])
They kissed passionately when she arrived. 她一来到, 他们就热烈亲吻.
kiss the children goodnight 吻孩子向他们道晚安
She kissed him on the lips. 她吻了吻他的双唇. 2 (idm 习语) kiss sth goodbye/kiss goodbye to sth (sl 俚) accept the loss or failure of sth as certain 承认某事物的损失或失败已成定局
You can kiss goodbye to a holiday this year we´ve no money! 今年你别指望度假了--咱们没钱! 3 (phr v) kiss sth away remove sth with kisses 吻掉某物
Let mummy kiss your tears away, ie help you to stop crying by kissing you. 让妈妈吻去你的眼泪. kiss, n 1 touch or caress given with the lips 吻
give sb a kiss 给某人一吻. 2 (idm 习语) blow a kiss => blow1. the kiss of `death (infml esp joc 口, 尤作戏谑语) apparently favourable action that makes failure certain 貌似有利却导致失败的行动
one of those polite lukewarm reviews that are the kiss of death for a commercial film 措辞温和有礼而其实是扼杀一营利影片的评论.