
n. 知识, 学问, 认识, 知道
have no knowledge of
to sb's knowledge
come to sb's knowledge
knowledge n 1 [U] understanding 了解; 理解
A baby has no knowledge of good and evil. 小孩儿不解善恶. 2 [U, sing] all that a person knows; familiarity gained by experience 个人的知识; 见闻
I have only (a) limited knowledge of computers. 我的计算机知识很有限.
My knowledge of French is poor. 我不太懂法语. 3 [U] everything that is known; organized body of information 学问; 学识; 知识
all branches of knowledge 各门学问
the sum of human knowledge on this subject 人类对这一学科的知识总和. 4 (idm 习语)be common/public knowledge be known by everyonein a community or group 人所共知
It´s pointless trying to keep your friendship secret it´s common knowledge already. 你们无谓将友情保密--其实已尽人皆知了. come to sb´s `knowledge (fml 文) become known by sb 被某人知悉
It has come to our knowledge that you have been cheating the company. 据我们了解你一直欺骗公司. to one´s `knowledge (a) as far as one knows 据自己所知
To my knowledge, she has never been late before. 据我所知, 她从未迟到过. (b) as one knows to be true 确知属实
That is impossible, because to my (certain) knowledge he was in France at the time. 那不可能, 因为我(确实)知道那时他在法国. to the best of one´s belief/knowledge => best3. with/without sb´s `knowledge having/not having informed sb 告知[未告知]某人
He sold the car without his wife´s knowledge. 他瞒著妻子把汽车卖了.