
n. 饰带, 花边, 缎带, 鞋带
vt. 结带子, 饰以花边
vi. 系带子
【计】 全穿孔
lace sb's coat
lace n 1 [U] delicate fabric with an ornamental openwork design of threads 透孔织品; 网眼花边
a wedding dress made of lace 透孔婚纱礼服
[attrib 作定语] lace curtains 网眼纱帘. =>illus 见插图. 2 [C] string or cord threaded through holes or hooks in shoes, etc to pull and hold two edges together 鞋带; 系带
a pair of `shoe-laces 一副鞋带
a broken lace 一条断的带子. =>illus at shoe 见shoe插图. lace, v 1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up) fasten (sth) with laces 用系带系牢(某物)
a blouse that laces (up) at the front 前襟系带的女衬衫
lace (up) one´s shoes 系鞋带. 2 [Tn,] ~ sth (with sth) flavour or strengthen (a drink) with a small amount of spirits 在(饮料)中加入少量烈性酒
a glass of milk laced with rum 一杯掺了朗姆酒的奶
My drink has been laced. 我的饮料中已加过酒了. 3 (phr v) lace into sb (infml 口) attack sb physically or with words 打、 攻击或抨击某人.